
18 months? What a nightmare. I cannot fathom using more than the 12 weeks I got. I was itching so badly to get back to work and be someone besides “mommy.” Personally I’d like to see affordable quality daycare pushed for just as hard as parental leave.

Actually the teacher acknowledged that the kid’s behavior was problematic- she just excused it based on his hard life. Girls acting out in these ways is generally not acceptable. Boys will be boys and girls will be punished for not being nice, sweet, quiet, and calm.

That’s what I was thinking. It seems like they legalize it more for the tax revenue rather than in the interest of the sex workers, so I think a policy that focuses on the safety and well-being of the workers might produce different results.

Couldn’t it be that more women are hesitant to endorse a practice - legality aside - where they are especially vulnerable to the violence of human males?

“More serious crime” takes precedence. And I think a lot of cops think most rape allegations are bullshit. So they don’t put a priority on it, shelve it, and move on to other things.

It’s funny, most of Bernie’s ideas are right in line with mine, but his style of governance and management is what keeps me from wanting him. His ideology is sound, but it’s also immovable and primary in his methods, which is not a good way to govern this country. The point Hillary just made about the 2007 immigration

But how is that different from when parents with biological children adopt? Are only childless couples allowed to adopt?

I hope the police do their MF’in job and prosecute her. Responsible gun owners follow the law right?

Not really. Sure young women aren’t saying “I’d never vote for a woman because periods” or anything that obvious, but I’m sure that some are at least leaning away from her because they are worried about being perceived as an emotional woman who “votes with her vagina”. Like the same reason so many young women are

HE ruined his career. Berkeley is handing out degrees in Willful Ignorance apparently.

I have no issue with people being suspicious or distrustful of Monstanto but GMOs are very heavily regulated and the standard line that conventional is “bad” is very harmful. Organic is very expensive (and whole foods is almost as large a company as Monstanto who isn’t even the only seed producer. I don’t even think

I’m talking about them going non-GMO. Science absolutely supports GMOs.

Do you ever ask yourself how we pay for our astronomical military spending? Or how about all the money we spend on our prison system (which by the way continues to get “fed” from the cycle of poverty, which is partially fed by our shitty maternity leave). Why are Americans so fucking concerned/angry about money going

I am livid reading this. LIVID. BabyStu is 2 and even with the pneumococcal vaccine, meningitis is one of the worst fears parents have. Whenever your toddler gets really sick, it’s a panicked couple of days of trying to get them to communicate with you. Does your neck hurt? Do you think they’re moving jerkily/stiffly?

I really hope that the children are taken away from these fucking nutjobs.

Did you know....

Bernie actually just yelled “excuse me, I’m talking!!!” over her while wagging his finger at her. I can’t even imagine what the Internet would look like if that had been Hillary who pulled that sort of condescending, aggressive, behavior.

I disagree with Sanders’ decision to frame gun manufacturer liability and immunity as an American jobs/manufacturing question.

Eh, they have almost identical voting records. She was pushing universal healthcare in the early 90s and one of her major campaign themes in 08 was universal prek. She falls left of Sanders on gun control

<3 the Vonnegut paraphrase, Rachel Vorona Cote.