Then I’m allowed to inspect your home at my convenience to make sure that you have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, good wiring, and no other health and safety hazards.
Then I’m allowed to inspect your home at my convenience to make sure that you have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, good wiring, and no other health and safety hazards.
you cannot fight for the “life” of the “unborn” without being alright with sacrificing the lives of already-living women.
No thanks. I’ll be busy doing something else. I’m not giving him or that party one once of encouragement. Bad luck to em.
I would rather get my pubes stuck in a 10,000 RPM electric grinding wheel, again.
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
Feminism is about equality through legal rights and changing outdated cultural attitudes. When you try to take away other women’s rights, you aren’t a feminist.
You might want to avoid all medical texts, then: individuals of any age or existence are regularly removed from context, referred to in terms like “patient”, “participant”, “cadaver”, “subject”, and only discussed in regards to factual relevance of the topic with no concerns of their personal potential, dreams, or…
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
“Someone remind me why Sanders’ inner circle wrote off the South again?”
doesn’t this look a teensy bit more appealing than the Gilmore Girls reboot?
Sorry. I don’t agree with most of you.
I’m (probably quite foolishly) hoping that the president locks down a lot of the executive powers that Trump will certainly abuse, at the last second. Could you imagine the ensuing tantrum if Obama scraps domestic surveillance and pardons Chelsea Manning right at the buzzer? I know I’m probably dreaming, but you know, …
I just came here because I have to spill my guts and can’t do it anywhere else.
Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture
Now, now, I think Republican state houses in Wisconsin and NC and other places that drastically curtailed the voting rights of their minority constituents deserve a lot of credit too!
What are the chances that this information will be given to women who reach out to a crisis pregnancy center in distress? I’m gonna go ahead and say zero fucking percent chance.
Yeah I’m more annoyed by the very publishing industry oriented dudes acting like it’s just so shocking teenage girls are anything except self-obsessed, shallow, and stupid.