
As New York points out, though, the film does use one heavily-cited statistic that’s looking shakier all the time: the assertion that most campus rapes are committed by just a handful of serial rapists. The study that produced that assertion has lately been heavily criticized, and a subsequent study this summer found

She’s gone! Mallory Ortberg from The Toast is Prudie now.

I thought the Hunting Ground was sensationalistic and more intent on pushing an agenda than reporting facts. I felt that way before reading Yoffe’s article too.

Emily Yoffe's obvious bias is why I stopped reading Slate. She has such a low opinion of women, well, women who aren't just like her. Thanks for highlighting the actual cases she attacked in such detail.

This was one of my neighbor’s biggest rants when she had her first child. One could buy a special baby food maker, complete with cute little cups to store the pureed mush in. Or you can buy a food processor (which essentially the baby food maker was), and some cheap plastic food containers, and you essentially have

Honestly? Nudie-butt time. Put down an old towel or cloth diaper and let them air out for as long as you can stand it.

Yes. A lot of us won’t admit to wanting kids because we know we are not rich enough by society’s standards. I have 2 kids now in spite of my circumstances and I have no regrets. You know who else is really happy about it? My parents. My poverty stricken kids are so far their only grandkids because the 3 other kids

This is where I am at. We are still more “not trying” than “trying” (i.e. pullout, sorry TMI), but every month I kind of find myself hoping a little more than an “accident” happened. People can say “if you don’t know you shouldn’t be having kids,” but I do not think that is fair. It is something I want eventually, but

If I had as much money as Bey and Jay I would have TWO ROOM PER PERSON. TWO ROOMS AND AN EN SUITE EACH. Because why have that much money and still share a bed with someone when you can have a triple king size and your own clubhouse all to yourself?

I probably shouldn’t get married.

I think you hit the nail on the head with “resentful”. I think a lot of women in the U.S. (where I am) deprive themselves of virtually every adult pleasure in order to be a “good mom”—which is, of course, an unattainable fantasy. When they see someone who doesn’t play by those rules, they resent them for enjoying the

Thank you for being considerate! There are probably people who are thankful for this, but can’t tell you.

You obviously don’t socialize with alcoholics. My family doesn’t have activities without drinking, kids and all.

From one mom to another, you need better friends.

A fellow parent gave you the stink-eye for calling your kid a jerk? There is not a parent alive who hasn’t called their kid that or worse. I love my little boy dearly, but there are times when he’s a real asshole; I have no issue saying this.

I read shit like paying for cell phones or wiring a couple hundred....and it boggles my mind. I would never even THINK of asking my parents for something like that unless I was literally penniless and on the street. And if I DID ask for it...I doubt they could do it because they don’t have any money either.

That good ol’ assumption that white people’s lives are the default.

Glad you added that caveat to the headline. 97 percent of millennial trend pieces insufferable hacks write about largely applies only to white people. Most people in my generation are not actually what most people imagine us to be.

Going on a film’s grosses is an idiotic means to measure a film’s worth: The Hurt Locker earned only $15 million in total...and this was after the boost that winning an Oscar normally gives. By your money standards, Selma is more than three times a better film than The Hurt Locker. (Selma earned more without having

Literally nothing you said contradicts what the OP said. Knowing your way around a camera doesn’t absolve you of garbage representations of women and people of color. Being a “talented” director, which I’m not arguing for or against, doesn’t absolve him of being a piece of shit.

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should