
Quinn took him to court. The judge almost immediately ruled that what he was doing is harassment, and now he's under a double-whammy restraining/gag order.

It's not only her: Zoe Quinn and, most recently Brianna Wu. And the evidence was all over reddit, 4chan and now the newly created for this specific purpose, 8chan.

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

"Why is it only games? Why is it only her?"

This is the flimsiest argument in the world. Do people deserve to have their personal safety threatened over perceived journalistic impropriety? I have a feeling you don't get this worked up over perceived bias in NYT articles or Fox News segments. To deny this lopsided and misogynist response shows a total lack of

It would be nice if there were any. The movement is largely focused on and borne out of women in gaming. There was no "gamergate" when a lead reviewer at Gamespot was fired at the behest of a AAA developer. There was no "gamergate" when someone who was supposed to be a journalist became a shill for Doritos,

Um... ya. Sending death and rape threats to people is bad.

GamerGate is simultaneously the dumbest internet "movement" I've ever seen and one of the most vile. Anyone who identifies with it is complicit in the rampant misogyny and death threats, all in the name of making writers about VIDEO GAMES hold to the standards of "real" journalism (which is nonsense, and gives video

Just to preempt an annoying line of thought before it takes root down here, #NotYourShield, or anyone objecting to the broader forces at work here using for an argument, "But I'm black," or, "I'm a woman," is not a good argument. It doesn't even hold up to its own internal logic. Minority vioces matter, and should be

How did people let the rest of the world know they were horrible shitheads before the advent of the internet?

It's difficult, and I would suggest unwise, to try to coexist peacefully with someone who is working for your destruction.

You keep working on minimizing the damage of your compatriots, we all still think you're sacks of shit.

You said this:

You sure are devoting a lot of energy to minimizing rape and death threats. I wonder why.

Hahaha yup, I feel good seeing a racist, sexist harasser get their feelings hurt. Therefore I'm exactly the same as harassers who threaten peoples lives. Get out of here with that BS. Go back to 8chan with your friends and cry about how oppressed you are.

Just shut up. It is SO tiring to hear this defense of GamerGate. GamerGate is not some heroic defense of a lifestyle and valiant charge against ethical issues in reporting. It's a bunch of boys scared by women with a voice. And they respond to being scared by spewing out some of the most vile misogynistic crap I have

Too fucking right.

I mean, I feel like ANYone that crazy white wingers disagree with is a "nazi." It's their go-to insult. Rather than, you now, engage in intellectual discourse, they try to discredit their opponents by associating them with the worst types of people in the history of human civilization.

I think the whole "lording over" phenomenon is largely a product of perception. If someone feels badly because they had a c-section (not that they should, but if they do), they might perceive any stories about vaginal birth to be akin to bragging.

I had two "natural" births and I did want to talk about them

Yes, having a C-section can be totally legit, but it IS really problematic the way this article, and tons of people, present this as a choice between natural= painful and dangerous! and C-section= easy and safe! Nor is a natural birth somehow in conflict with "medicine and science". There are major risks to C