PSA: Comparing my body to a house/car and my vagina to lock will get you ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. It might cause me to smack you across the face, though.
PSA: Comparing my body to a house/car and my vagina to lock will get you ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. It might cause me to smack you across the face, though.
Then this should not be a recommendation for rape cases. It should be a recommendation for all crimes. In all crimes witnesses can back up, evidence can be tampered with, cops can fuck up, etc. and then the mind of the victim is all that the victim has. Why is it that this recommendation is only given in rape cases…
The point is that asking people not to live normal lives isn't an appropriate way to handle conviction rates.
Uh, newsflash: if you're drunk enough that you're not forming memories, you are not capable of consenting to sex.
And the moment you are defining rape as a woman being disgruntled about anything and wanting to complain, rather than some kind of objective definition that a man can know how to follow, something is wrong.
This is something that has always been confusing to me...the only people I've ever seen too drunk to remember the previous night were obviously drunk and obviously not capable of consenting to anything.
In a case like she's describing. There is guilt. She was too drunk to consent. If what prevents the jury from convicting is lack of other type of evidence perhaps she should advice ladies to go to the police immediately after the fact and while she's at it she can also advice cops to take some courses on what consent…
I don't know, maybe they could react by saying "there's no way this woman could have given consent in this condition, so this is rape."
Yet men never feel the need to "empower" themselves through self-objectification. Funny that. Perhaps the whole empowering malarky is a just a tool to ensure that the patriarchal gender normative assumptions that a women's whole value is in her body/looks is maintained. Don't stop that from your sexist apologia.
Texans like Mayor Parker are the reason I refuse to leave my state to the crazies.
Organic agriculture uses biologically-based pesticides (except for the copper-based fungicides, which are still pretty basic [no pun intended] chemically), and those will wash off of the harvest and not persist in the environment.
Conventional agriculture uses natural-gas- and petroleum-based pesticides BECAUSE they…
I loved! They also had a web hosting component for a while called gURLpages. I learned how to build webpages there. I never used a template, and it was very empowering to teach myself HTML and Javascript. They had a weekly featured gURLpage, and my page was featured once! I had a blog on my site, and I got…
When I take off for the weekend to go have sex with my boyfriend, no one will call CPS on my cats. Thus, one of the reasons I have them and not children.
Cats are ALSO not children. Just sayin'. Too many Facebook friends who disagree. And are wrong. And need to stop.
Yeah, he can write whatever he wants, but that was a really shitty explanation.
line for the riding the gay dragon starts behind me.
So you feel the same way about movies, of course. If Hollywood was turning out movies with all straight white men, all the time you'd be fine with that because "art."
This particular artist has about 1,000,000 characters and is building an entire world. There are actually gay/bi characters in it, too. Choosing not to have a prominent gay character would be difficult given how many goddamn people he's created. So yes, he should be taken to task for it.