anyone else get the feeling this is the administration trying to punish students for speaking up, and disguise it as giving them what they want? cuz that's what it reeks of to me.
anyone else get the feeling this is the administration trying to punish students for speaking up, and disguise it as giving them what they want? cuz that's what it reeks of to me.
A doctor in the group I used to work for got pregnant shortly after she was hired. The actual doctors were all supportive, but the staff made all sorts of comments about how she shouldn't have gotten preggers so shortly after starting work. It was ridiculous, and these were women saying this shit. Internalized sexism…
"Whether the police fire at you is based on whether or not they believe you pose a threat, not what crime you committed."
The irresponsible coverage isn't here. The irresponsible coverage is (1) buying the cop's story wholesale and (2) posting thug pictures in lieu of honor/military pictures.
It's not irresponsible or ridiculous at all. The question is why did killers not get killed and innocents get killed?
It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."
Yeah, one of the comments on this article is about hoping the community can "stay peaceful." A community where the police gun down unarmed kids in the street wasn't peaceful for the citizens to begin with, just for the cops. Status quo != peace.
I dunno, it's pretty hard to come with a context for "unarmed teen gets shot multiple times by police officer after running away following a physical altercation" that makes much sense.
The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and…
The thing is, I don't think enough people in tech care yet. I even think many of them actively like perpetuating "their space", where they don't get shown up by those icky girls, and deliberately alienate and harass women.
Oh yeah, a few crappy flash games are sure going to change an industry worth almost 100 billion dollars.
Yet another complained about being bounced to investors seen as female-friendly: "Why do I have to go to gender-specific investors? Our company is pretty gender agnostic, at this point."
I hate to admit it, but the sexist ass hats in the tech industry ran me off. I got so fed up with the harassment, but what is most frustrating to me is the expectation that I adapt to every single one of my male coworkers way of doing things, communicating, and thinking without question. However, if they had to step…
As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.
super patronizing. And who the fuck says "trained my sister"?
sorry, but the lack of support for your comment is not due to everyone missing your point. We've heard it a million times. They genuinely see what you're saying and have made it very clear why it is still problematic. Why is it so hard to get this point across to you?
So we should just treat all men like they're potential rapists and avoid them. Or should we treat every social situation as a possible rape attempt and avoid those too? And I shouldn't have wine at home because if someone breaks in and I can't defend myself it's my fault. Gotcha.
meh. tell that to the majority of rape victims who knew their rapists, who had no reason to believe that getting drunk would be an invitation.
The problem is that people tell women not to drink too much. Men make plenty of terrible decisions while under the influence (like rape women!) but we tell women that they're the ones who shouldn't be drinking too much because what happens is their fault. That's where the slut shaming comes from (and patriarchal rape…
The "Not Rape" titty shot is classy and does not scream "I am desperate for attention" at all.