
White folks get *real* interested in black children when they can get a black adult in trouble

It makes me sad that someone who is licensed to provide mental health care uses terms like "bitches be crazy." Attitudes like this keep people who need mental health from actually pursuing getting it, because they don't want to be called crazy, or bitches, or be judged by their doctor.

How have we not yet talked about Jessica William's segment on the Daily Show about black women's hair last night?

The profoundly awkward, inevitably ridiculous, and unintentionally hilarious notifications these companies will be sending to their female employees are the only good things that will come of this shitshow.

Then you're the most popular person in the room.

For when the kid/s get older: set up your sewing machine right by a door of a room you can close the kids out of. It's amazing how much sewing you can get done in 5 minute bursts.

but he said there are very few facts so clearly the statistics from every step of custody arrangements from those who amicably make their own arrangements all the way to court cases can't be considered fact because they refute his point.

seriously, every time some MRA, piece of shit, whiney, can't-wipe-his-own-ass troll starts spouting off about how "family law" is "totally biased against fathers," I immediately operate under the presumption they are an abusive trainwreck who tried to use the legal system to harass and abuse a former partner. Either

I think fathers are incapable of raising children? Really? Not sure where you got that from.

Courts are skewed to mothers because the mothers have a skewed amount of responsibility. Fathers don't and shouldn't expect equal rights. If they want to be in the kids life, they can do so by being calm, respectful and active in the role of parent. Not through means of strong arming, threats, legal battles and

How can that be? The system was set up by men. Women USED to receive the children by default. Now, it is joint custody by default unless there are extenuating circumstances for either parent.

When men seek custody, they receive it 83% of the time. The MRA movement is all about harassing women, and Patric is no different.

Maybe you should explain that to all the internet MRA groups, because that's how the majority seem to act.

Her mistake was telling him about the pregnancy at all.

She felt that she was wronged, but her perception had no basis. At a certain point we have to push back against these "facts are optional" whack jobs. UT was more competitive than Harvard the year she applied. She didn't have the grades to get in on her own, and even if she had been give the additional point that

It didn't work out well for you, but it sure did for that rural student.

Every time I see her, this is all I think of:

I know... who could possibly think that people might want to watch something that is interesting to people?

It's worth noting that the biggest summer blockbusters that would normally be seen as "dude-focused, " Captain America: TWS & X-men DOFP both had bad-ass female leads in Black Widow and Mystique. Newsflash, Hollywood: women like seeing other women on screen! Women are Relevant to Our Interests! They can do

Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.