
Again, that's not the problem the author was illustrating. You're very fixated on the cup example—the cup is not the point. This is not about parents who give in on the cup color to keep the peace but stick to their guns on making sure the kid is eating enough vegetables. It's parents who don't know how to manage

Sometimes you get the car cup when you only have one kid, and then you have another kid a year or two later... and the car cup you bought two years ago isn't around for you to buy a second one? It's not hard to understand.

OMG My kid brought one of those. She didn't eat at my house for nearly 24 hours. "Do you have any pizza without toppings?" Nope. "Do you have white wonder bread? It's the only bread I eat." Nope. "Do you have any fried rice without frozen peas in it? I only like canned peas." Nope.

(seriously - I had 10 kids at my

It's so great that you are willing to go to great effort to offer your kid non-gender specific choices! I hope he gets a lot of hours of pleasure out of his purple bike.

Nope, sorry, the choice comes before the milk goes in the cup. Once it's in, you're stuck with it, kiddo.

1 ACTUAL Reason Modern-Day Parenting Is In Crisis

I think the standard should be, "If an adult made this request or stated this preference, would you honor it?" For instance, most adults have a few foods that they don't like to eat, and that is reasonable. If I were cooking for someone who hated mushrooms, I would be happy to avoid mushrooms to please them.

In my experience, the sippy cup deal goes something like this.
"What cup would you like?"
"Red cup!"
*fills up red cup*
*hands child red cup*
"No! I want blue cup! Blue cup!"

The other scenario involves both children wanting the red cup, despite there only being one red cup and one blue cup unless I go drive twenty

Actually in this case I think she is right. Its being very simple here but parents DO drop everything at the minor whim of their child in fear of a tantrum and kids are fucking SMART they see this and realize the threat of a tantrum = mom and dad doing something for me.

I don't think you're really pro-choice, somehow. You're certainly pro-disingenuous statements and misrepresentation of what others are saying, though.

I don't think the wording is even slightly odd. She was hounded every time she left the house and her pregnant body was dissected in the press like a frog in a high school biology class. If she wore anything that she clearly thought was fun and bright and enjoyable, they stepped up the attacks. She's saying to her

" earned a different income ago."

how many beers a meal costs? dont you mean how many beers my meal is?

"A more fulfilling job not resulting in deaths of innocents overseas that pays a human wage and doesn't throw human resource away when it fails or gets sick AND DOESN'T COVER UP THE CRIMES OF OTHERS."

You're much more charitable about the AF than I am. Too many fixed-wing medevac requests that were SNAFU'd, too much forced bureaucracy and too many snubbings of the other services to maintain a positive impression of the organization as a whole.

I would hope the solder would be smart enough to use their lower body to help climb out of the hole, over the fence, etc. That is not a pull up motion.

As soon as a woman knows she's physically fit for tough jobs, she's also pretty socially empowered enough to develop her mind to the point where she knows those jobs aren't for her, IMHO.

I'm one of the former college students that was sexually assaulted and never reported it. I'd like to suggest another reason, besides college administration discouragement, why rapes might not be reported.

I don't think you have any idea how art criticism works. Literally every notable work of art has been subjected to all those questions and many, many more. Do you really think that in 500 years, no one has ever asked those questions of Shakespeare's work? Or that no one's ever analyzed the racial issues at play in

You echo my frustrations with your observation about the perpetual cycle of "People like Blue. Make more Blue. More people like Blue. Make more Blue." But that's reality. I'll never have the buffet of consumer product choices set out exactly in proportion to what i like, because the buffet isn't just for me. The