
This actually happens to me all the time because I am in a field that is traditionally male. I will have men who have no specialized knowledge whatsoever in my field try to "educate" me because...a penis and wikipedia are worth more than a vagina and advanced education?

We bought a car specifically for hauling around our expected bundle of joy. The rear windows have tint as dark as tint gets. I was thinking of sun safety, but now I just feel glad that people won't see into our business.

That's where common sense comes in. I would never hesitate to report, or even break a window for a kid or animal in a car on a hot day. But it sounds like this asshole sat, recorded the whole thing, knew she was gone for a matter of minutes, knew what temperature it was outside, and reported her completely after the

Congratulations on being mother of the year, but I think you're being rather harsh. It's not something she does regularly or had ever done before. It wasn't about "being bothered," like she does it every time she goes somewhere and just leaves her kids all willy nilly. Most mothers have occasional lapses in judgement.

I work in higher education, specifically with first and second year students and hear about stuff like this a lot in this profession, unfortunately. The importance of stories like yours can't be overstated. Thanks for sharing.

The delusion is thinking that facilitating a platform for women to speak up, won't change anything. Of course only updated legislation will have the lasting effects us feminists are aiming for, but you can't change laws until you open a few eyes. Also, as a woman I'm not afraid of being trolled, but I sure am afraid

Meanwhile we've been looking at ourselves through the male gaze this whole time...

I wrote a follow up reply. They appear to have deleted it. Perplexing, because I didn't use personal attacks, sarcasm, or even a hint of exasperation (the latter two I sometimes have trouble avoiding, heheh).

Non-sexist version of that rule: Undergarments should not be visible.

See, because men also wear undergarments and high-school-aged boys have a tendency to think it's fashionable to wear their pants around their knees...

Magic! You get rid of 2 "distracting" things at the same time and don't even target women!

The tank top thing is stupid since boys tend to do that thing where they cut not only the sleeves off their shirts but 90% of the sides, too. At least I can't see a girl in spaghetti straps' nipples if she turns to the side.

Yeah, if schools and universities are using that as an excuse, they should just go ahead and institute a "business casual" dress code, which I actually don't think is a terrible idea (at least at the high school and college level). If professionalism ACTUALLY is the issue, solves the problem without having to resort

LOL @ the grey lines on her sides to give her an hourglass figure.

My problem with the show is what they choose to show us. Two weeks ago, Khaleesi and the bearded dude finally hook up. He's hot. She's hot. I wanted to see some action. I'd been wanting to see it since last season. It was consensual sex, and how much did they show us? Not a damn thing. But if a woman is being

I disagree. It's not the use of violence/sexual violence, it's the portrayal that differs. Martin seems to have a much more sophisticated understanding of the ramifications of violence than HBO does.

What really bothered me was Alex Graves remark about the rape of Cersi being "consensual". I'm not against the depiction of sexual violence on television, but it should be repulsive and disturbing. The idea that the director could produce a scene in which a horrifying rape occurs and call it consensual is what caused

I think you're right! And they had an easier time with a lesbian perspective because they thought it was closer to a straight man's perspective. Same with Snoop.

Translation: Criticizing things I like isn't allowed. Shut up and take it!

Yes. As much as I love The Wire, it is not a story about women. They are incident to the men in the story. I've long suspected that they made Kima a lesbian partly because they wanted to portay a gay character, but also so the writers wouldn't have to spend too much time dealing with the perspective of a straight

You know, if the sight of human flesh is so distracting maybe you shouldn't be in, like, nursing school. Because I'm pretty sure it is a whole career of caring for human flesh (and other organs).

If male nurses get so distracted by the female body, they may wish to reconsider their chosen profession...