
I'm glad someone brought this racist, pretextual garbage to light. The only reason that sex-selective abortion is sometimes practiced in China is because of the One Child Policy, which we don't have here. So Chinese-Americans would have no reason to "import" this "practice" (ugh). Further, studies show that in China,

I agree with that, but I'm not sure how that's all that relevant. Sexual assault and cheating are against Duke's rules and you can be expelled for both of them (I assume). Why should a hearing be good enough for expelling someone for cheating but not for sexual assault? Should a university be prohibited from punishing

So, essentially, a dangerous predator is allowed to remain on campus?

THAT'S WHAT I YELLED AS SOON AS I GOT TO THE PART OF THE NEWS STORY THAT SAID IT WAS SLENDER MAN!!! Hearing news reporters saying the words "creepypasta," "Slender Man," and Something Awful with that serious of a tone is RIDICULOUS!!!

So, if they don't process it in a timely fashion do you get your money back?

I LOVE this argument! It's like you've never read above the fourth grade level at all.

It's even worse than that——this so called advice lets men and society sit on their asses while women run themselves ragged trying to perform an endless list of precautions.

Even better, notice how all their "solutions" require absolutely nothing of society——-and let men off the hook? All wrapped up in feel-good grrlpower bullshit that removes all context, perspective, and history.

The thing about this type of response is that it really doesn't address the reality of rape and sexual assault for most women.

"you let yourself be victimized" -> and that's the problem right there.

"Argh I'm so fucking sick of this idea that women shouldn't be taking responsibility for their own safety "

THIS IS CLASSIC VICTIM BLAMING. "You should take responsibility to not get raped." That's literally what you said. You're part of the problem. You are not far behind an actual rapist. That's how toxic you are.

You're part of the fucking problem. You may not rape, but you victim blame and therefore promote rapists. Are you proud? I AM NOT A GOD DAMNED HOUSE.

You can do whatever the fuck YOU, AS AN INDIVIDUAL, that you want to do, but you and everyone else need to stop blaming the fucking victim and telling victims what they could do or should do to "protect themselves". Even women who do EVERYTHING *still get raped*. And not all women are ABLE to protect themselves, and

It is smart to educate women on dangers, but as soon as we start giving them "tips" or "guidelines" ... well, now women have "guidelines" that they can ignore - if they do ignore them and wind up a victim, we'll point to these "guidelines" accusingly. Should have listened, we'll say! And now we're blaming them for

Maybe we can stop comparing HUMAN women to houses and cars and wallets and other OBJECTS. I am not a fucking car. I am not an expensive toy out there waiting to be stolen. I AM A HUMAN BEING.

Seems to me if they really cared, they wouldn't charge 5 bucks for the cup. It appears to me that in bulk, you can get them for as cheap at 2 bucks a piece and that's WITH a logo plastered on the side.

THIS SHIT IS SO FUCKING ABELIST. Not everyone *can* protect themselves. It's great that you're probably young and able but not all women are (or men for that matter).

Yeah, while roofies happen, more often people just make "extra strong" drinks for women.

A gun lulls the carrier into a false sense of security. It takes a uniformed police officer about 1.3 seconds to draw from a hip holster and send an aimed round downrange, with the average engagement range being about six feet. Even then, cops hit their targets about 34% of the time. Speed, surprise, and violence