
And the fact is that she says a lot of things that blame victims for having been assaulted. I don’t understand why you think that judging her based on her words and actions is grade schoolish.

Uh, no. Simply googling her column name and rape gives a ton of columns, and you can judge for yourself if Yoffe is a victim-blaming asshat. If you’re too lazy to do that (likely), here’s an overview of them:

That’s also an option. I know people who think she’s this high-minded, above-it-all observer of campus rape cases. It’s just fucking baffling.

I dunno. I’ve been in higher ed a while, and the amount of situations I’ve seen where a woman or a person of color is told to sit down and shut up in response to a claim of

Yep. This is one of the big problems I’ve always had with Yoffe. She absolutely crucifies women for doing completely reasonable reporting measures after assault. I can never quit understand what Yoffe and her fans want women to do, other than never drink or leave their homes.

Great article, Anna.

She’ll be right at home at the Atlantic, bastion of patronizing white liberalism that it is.

I got a Bjorn. Had my first in a hot climate, and it was more comfortable. And! When I finally tripped while wearing it, the padding meant he didn’t feel anything.

I think the desired outcome is less mourning the accidental pregnancy and more encouraging people to communicate how they feel when they feel it. When my husband and I stopped trying to prevent a pregnancy, I was kind of on the fence about I wanted it now. But I figured I had time. All my friends in the same career

You’ve just described my relationship with my Texan husband.

The conversation around drinking is really hard. I drink, and enjoy it. But I also coordinate a lot of social events at work, and want to be inclusive to people who do not drink. A survey of women in my field a while back showed that many feel pressure to drink more than they’re comfortable when out with co-workers

My in-laws think my husband and I are the fucking grinches who stole their first grandchildren for not wanting them taking naked photos of them. Even hard copies, I don’t want to risk losing control of those types of pics.

But that’s the goal, right? drain the state coffers through pointless court battles, then tell the people there’s no money for social programs. Americans will never vote to end medicare or social security. This is how they’re putting those programs in the crosshairs.

Why anyone would seek out going to a hospital as a primary option is beyond me.

This. Having a kid is a major experience in learning to love your powerlessness in the world. For my first pregnancy (multiples), we talked to the doctor about minimizing the risk of a C-section, and we were successful. The second time, breech. We tried turning the baby, failed, and scheduled a C-section right on the

However, some professors are great academics but perhaps have a bit of Asperger’s or autism. They shouldn’t be raked over the coals for responding to a student without the kind of warmth the student would like.

Another commenter replied to me with what I think is what happened: this guy had no friends left after being a massive fuck-up for so long, so what might have been survivable otherwise was his last straw.

It’s just unfortunate he could do so much damage to the student body before leaving.

Yep. Fuuuuuck this dude. Bad dude.

Good. Everything that has occurred under his watch has been a debacle. Racism, getting grad student insurance taken away *. Complete incompetence.

I agree. People act like there’s one path, or like all STEM workers have one personality. But the reality is that there are as many ‘origin stories’ as there are workers, and we need to embrace that. I know artists who nerd out about code, which they learned to deliver their product. I know people who knew since they

For sure. It’s been a few years since I lived in Austin, but it’s generally a pretty safe city. So you get these incidents like we see all over the country in other safe cities - extremely excessive force being used in response to non-violent offenses.

I thought that might be the case, but the arrest footage from last week is really violent and disturbing. I’d find it hard to conflate these two things.