There was another recent jaywalking arrest and beating — why are we rehashing this one?
There was another recent jaywalking arrest and beating — why are we rehashing this one?
2-Kids cannot articulate very well the issue of food allergies/ food intolerance, because unless they go into shock at first bite, things like getting real sleepy, drowsy, no energy, or mild stomach discomfort, are commonly dismissed or ignored by parents, though kids are very much aware of when they don’t feel their…
I’ve seen some of the most inspiring progressive activism I’ve ever seen in Texas. Women bussing in from El Paso (ten hours by car, a 24+ by bus) to stand in the Capitol agitating for women’s rights. I flew out of state the night of the Wendy Davis filibuster for a meeting. The plane was packed with out-of-state…
It’s continually amazing to me that writers who hold themselves out as progressive can be so blind to the oppressions that women, minorities and the poor face in Texas. When I lived in Austin years ago, there was no meaningful public transit. To get my ID, I had to either bike over an hour, take the ‘public transit’…
Because getting the flu sucks. And passing it on to your spouse and kids amplifies that to a month of suckage.
Everyone understands that privacy and secrecy are two different things. That is why people are reacting so strongly to your assertion that spouses should just be able to look at each other’s various accounts. I can’t look at some of my spouse’s accounts, by law. I don’t want him looking at most of my accounts, due to…
If you have a high-pressure career, if you have friends or family in crisis, if you are facing medical challenges (just to give a few broad examples),
I can absolutely hold two different thoughts in my head. But this:
Are you kidding? She refused the teachers instructions to put the fucking phone away. She had her phone out in class.
Where are you getting that she was on her phone and distracting people? That doesn’t seem to be supported by any eyewitness accounts.
You just want to justify your enjoyment of watching a minor female be beaten by an adult male.
Honestly, no fundie was ever as annoying as the lolbertarian engineers who wanted to argue evolution couldn’t be true based on engineering. Ignorance is annoying, but they were generally polite. A little knowledge is a recipe for Ben Carson.
I worked in a science library at a Christian university during college. Good gig, and I always took the opening (10 am) shift Sunday, because no one would come in, so I could work and do homework/be hung over at my desk.
I just don’t want to and don’t feel like I should have to.
I assumed you didn’t. Rich, sanctimonious pricks like you never have any real challenges in their lives.
So, what did your kids do while you cooked and your wife worked? Mine kind of help in the kitchen, but on those marathon sessions, I usually have to stop a few times.
So true. I’ve been cycling since I was a teen, trying to get to my job on the other side of town. I get mad at my fellow cyclists for putting themselves in harm’s way and at cars for putting me in harm’s way, but the reality is that our infrastructure, laws, and the uneven enforcement of laws breeds conflict and…
I live in a city where the law outside of downtown and the college campus where I work is to ride on the sidewalk. It’s been a couple years, and the act of sidewalk riding still feels unnatural and awful.
That said, I routinely break the law and ride on the streets in residential areas, and this seems to be accepted…
I wish more people realized how common it is for stay at home parents to want to go back to work. This was absolutely the situation for my husband with our first. But if you can’t afford to take on debt, every single month, when their salary doesn’t cover child care, then what can you do?
And, of course, when you…
I’ll level with you: I’m pretty alienated by parenting ‘groups’. I don’t read parenting stuff on the internet. If I do, I just go to Mayo Clinic or WebMD or the primary literature (I’m a biologist). Or What to Expect, sparingly - a colleague just posted on Facebook about how she’s gotten more emails about losing the…