
Joe Biden will lose to DJT. And I’m starting to think he’ll get the nomination.

Inflation is low enough, more than low enough in fact. The US still borrows at barely existent interest rates, and our debt is still considered one of the safest investments in the world. Our debt to GDP ratio is not to the point the markets consider it an issue. There’s no currency to replace the US dollar on the

Stop playing for the moderate Republican vote! If they won’t ditch Trump after his behavior you’re not going to lure them in with this half-assed bad policy fiscal conservatism bullshit!

Demanding that a reporter bringing us news not be an unabashed liar is not an ‘extreme left’ position.

Literally zero people would be surprised that Wonkette is sticking up for Joy Reid’s early ’00s snarky middle of the road liberal blog posts. Literally zero people.

I think the reason this is a story and “a thing” is less the problematic nature of the posts (which as you say, are still anger inducing and obnoxious), and more the bizarre nature of the cover-up/denial.

This is less about the content of Reid’s blog posts and more about this ridiculous claim of hacking. If you think that her lying about this is no big deal, then so be it. But, she did lie and she has paid off so-called experts to continue the lie.

Everyone knows that “things were different back then” would have been a generally accepted answer (even if only because plenty of people are still homophobic and transphobic and Islamophobic and willing to overlook these things) and she would have gotten away with it regardless of whether or not she’s really changed

And they did it for years and years and did it to make her look like she held positions she already appeared to hold and that were depressingly common among early ’00s liberals anyways. This, of course, is the simplest possible explanation.

I truly don’t care what Joy Reid posted on her blog a decade ago — I’m sure we all had some suspect opinions in 2005 that aren’t representative of the people we are now. But this cover-up story is truly bizarre, and shows an astounding lack of judgement on Reid’s part. Had she just given a generic “these views don’t

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If you are in Michigan and want to vote for a decent human, check out Abdul El-Sayed

You’re so delusional it’s scary.

So your hacker hacked the internet archive, google, and the Library of Congress, just to frame Joy Reid? A hacker who could do that could make himself a multi-millionaire.

No it doesn’t use It archives Reid’s blog is no longer available on because she removed the robots file, but other archives have archived the archive. The story is in the timestamps.

If she believes that she can really get out of it by claiming she was hacked (and articles like this saying “I don’t care” seem to suggest she can) it seems like an easy choice: risk getting a Twitter storm because of more homophobic comments, or pretend like it never happened (friendly reminder that the Wayback

I think it’s okay to like Joy Reid and accept her apology and continue liking her

Nope. She’s straight up lying. Wayback isn’t the only internet archive, other archives have the same posts attributed to the same site at the same time:

I’m a white Bernie bro and I’m ALL about pushing him to be better on race. Not only because I want him to be a stronger candidate if he runs in 2020 but mainly because our whole country needs to be better on race and that means calling people out for their failures even if we love and support them.

Finally a positive article from the root. I was beginning to think this magazine and all its readers were all Bernie haters so my hats off when you give respect when respect is deserved. Just cut the guy a bit of slack. So maybe he has stumbled over his words when speaking to the black community but I can assure you

The only reason Bernie Sanders didn’t win the 2016 Democratic Primary is not because he didn’t have the “black vote” rather the DNC committed election fraud on thousands of their own supporters. Thousands of black people (and people of all colors) were taken off the voter rolls in several states. I dare “The Root” to