
She’s a paid propagandist. This really isn’t about attacking Joy Ann Reid as a person, she’s a mouthpiece for the establishment. Bring back Melissa Harris-Perry, at least she had some integrity.

This has nothing to do with call-out culture. If she had simply apologized like she did last December, no one would have cared and we all would have moved on to other stories. This is about her credibility as a supposed “journalist” after being caught in an obvious lie and going with the Anthony Weiner defense.

Except many of the tweets linking to these blog posts are still up. The most incriminating is this one, which doesn’t use a link shortener and has the full url:

The Library of Congress has the posts in question archived as well, that do not use’s webcrawlers. Love to know how the internet works.

Yes, in your imaginary reading of what he has said regarding identity politics, I’m sure that’s true. In the real world, Sanders continues to enjoy growing popularity among blacks and latinos because of his message of economic justice, which benefits the entire working class - which is disproportionately made up of

Alternatively, if you’re still taking anything Louise Mensch or Eric Garland seriously, you need to get better at critical thinking. 

A plan to make public colleges and universities tuition-free through a financial transaction tax is in fact a realistic, FDR-style policy that should be part of the Dem platform. Like single-payer, it’s aspirational, part of a broad set of policy goals to improve people’s material conditions, something the Democrats

So you didn’t read past the first paragraph. I was addressing your claim that Google isn’t a monopoly, since it’s pretty clear you actually have no idea what Google does, not whether Open Markets will continue to exist.

As for Google, it’s not the only search engine, smartphone maker, etc, out there. It isn’t monopolistic what it does, even if the EU wants it to be.

Yeah, got it. I already said I think the Mello endorsement is problematic, so clearly I don’t think he’s infallible. But the Ossoff thing is being overblown, in my opinion.

Ossoff has positioned himself as a centrist and appealed to upper middle-class liberals in his red district. It’s not clear an endorsement from a self-described Democratic socialist would have been helpful or was even welcome.

Mello aside, Sanders endorsed Ossoff today.

Yeah. C- on the trolling. You at least tried, so I won’t give you a failing grade, but this was a pretty weak effort. I’m sure you’ll do better next time.

Ok, I normally upvote responses out of courtesy, but I’m going to need an explanation for this one, what the fuck are you talking about? Generally people who refer to themselves in the third person are a little suspect in my eyes.

I don’t disagree, but it’s a relative thing. Both parties are hawkish when it comes to foreign policy but it’s clear that with Trump, all constraints to military power are off the table, and when he has an arsenal of nukes, that makes me a bit nervous.

The Pentagon is thrilled with Trump because he lets them try out all their new toys that they weren’t allowed to play with under Obama.

Sean Spicer:

That looks more like assault.