Just to add to what others have said, because I just found this article:
Just to add to what others have said, because I just found this article:
Just to add, because it’s relevant:
They might not have the 60 votes necessary for cloture, but McConnell will just extend the nuclear option to SCOTUS nominees.
that the evolution of language should in all cases preclude violence, that violence is the failure of one’s humanity on a personal level
OK, I had to read the article to put that in context, but my opinion is that, while Black Bloc tactics may become a necessary tool for resistance in the future, at this point most Americans aren’t ready to accept it, they still think that this is purely an ideological fight, and not one for our very survival. I‘m not…
That’s not the way politics works anymore. Vote trading? You watch, the GOP will not break ranks on a single vote.
I’m sure that’ll stop Trump from deciding to throw women who have first trimester abortions in jail.
I don’t disagree with the premise. Cornell West has talked about the Santa Clausification of Dr. King and Anthony J. Badger, the Paul Mellon Professor of American History at Cambridge University has written specifically about the credible threat of actual violence as an important factor in the success of MLK’s…
That’s what scares me. It’s going to take massive nonviolent resistance to try to stop Trump, or at least limit the damage. With Sessions taking over Justice and Comey apparently being a man of “flexible” ethics it could be like a return to the days when Hoover ran the FBI, armed with 21st century technology and the…
There was some stuff that came out during the Church Committee investigations that the FBI had actively infiltrated protest groups and used agent provocateurs to incite violence as part of COINTELPRO. There was some evidence that they did this during the Occupy movement, also.
Hijacking by Black Bloc anarchists is how legitimate protest gets subverted. Divisive disruption by agent provocateurs and stigmatization of peaceful protesters by associating them with violent anarchists are well-known tactics to subvert nonviolent social movements. This isn’t really something I feel like snickering…
Also, the regressive right has been going hard after Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers of the march claiming she is an anti-Semite with ties to Hamas who advocates Sharia Law. All the usual attacks from the Islamaphobe playbook.
Giuliani does seem to be suffering from some kind of reduced mental capacity these days, he’s increasingly showing signs of agitation and memory loss. I’m betting on dimensia, possibly Parkinson’s.
And the stubby fingers, too.
You know, I don’t think we can rule out mind control to explain how half the country lost it’s collective mind over the past year and voluntarily elected an aspiring fascist. I find the idea of an external cause preferable to the grim reality of the mob mentality and hatred behind rising nationalism.
the Black Bloc
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.
You might be right, but I hope not. Who is the more dangerous villain, Bane or The Joker? Bane caused much more damage to Gotham, but at least his motives were somewhat comprehensible. The Joker’s only true motivation is the suffering of others. He’s sadistic, nihilistic, and unpredictably volatile. He’s pure evil.…
Hackman’s Luthor was great, but a serious departure from the comics. But I think you’re right, as far as real-life models go, his version is pretty accurate.