
We don’t deserve Janelle Monae.

sometimes there is more to victory than what is on a spec sheet.

Everyone hates the cavs because Lebron should have like 25 rings by now

The fact that he’s still allowed on any television shows pretending to be serious news outlets is the real train wreck. He and his client don’t care if the appearance itself goes well or poorly. The victory is in being able to spray shit on everyone’s tv screens, and the resulting attention it generates (ahem).

I’m pretty sure they make more than $130K.

I don’t know. This seems straight out of Trump’s media playbook- overwhelm the airwaves with more and more outrageous statements, including those that are unhelpful and then promptly deny/claim opposite- and outrage re-ensues, rinse and repeat until it is all just a pile of indecipherable noise.

To a racist, Fascist, improperly trained lunatic masquerading as a cop,YES.

Fight, flight, or freeze. The cashier could easily be locked in his usual count-the-money-put-it-in-the-till mode and his brain hasn’t yet been able to make sense of a customer pulling a gun on another for seemingly no reason. If you haven’t been in a situation like this or if you haven’t reacted to a situation in

You almost took someone’s life over FUCKING. MINTS. You pulled your gun on someone because you thought they had taken candy???

There is zero chance of passing any bills. I guess if he wanted to, he could co-sponsor a build the wall bill, or a guns in school bill. All he or any Democrat can do is propose bills.

“We were aware of this incident after it occurred and we immediately began conducting an administrative investigation into the conduct of the officer involved, which will completely exonerate him and assign all blame to that dubious-looking guy with the ‘Mentos,’ which, every officer knows, are most commonly used

I’m reading these posts and shaking my head. What the heck are wrong with folk? Not voting because you don’t like Bernie Sanders? Please write a letter and tell that to Congressman John Lewis whom got hit upside his head for you to vote during Bloody Sunday.

These are the same people who complain about Hillary not campaigning enough in Wisconsin, believe it or not.

911 is for emergencies.

You are dependable, Cock, and have real style.

“Whatever you need to tell yourselves. Watch the whole thing here.”

I’m just so, so old and so, so tired. Pardon me for going into “Old Man Rants at Cloud” mode here, but I really wish society would stop rewarding assholes and idiots with likes, clicks, money, views, what have you. Logan Paul acts like the worst stereotype of an ugly American in Japan, throwing shit at cops and

If she’s 9 isn’t she in violation of the terms of service for basically all the sites shes using?

Can we not make this a thing please? Not even a thinkpiece type of thing? There’s no mystery here, and it doesn’t take investigative journalism to see this is clearly a small child being coached by overbearing stage parents to perform an annoying, badly Blaccented, not very clever character. This is cringeworthy at