
If you read the first line of this post and the beat to “Children’s Story” didn’t start playing in your head immediately, we can’t be friends.

Speaking as an Asian American, I find “Chinaman” deeply offensive. Although, if I was going to analogize, I’d go with more along the lines of ‘white person calling a black adult man “boy”’ as my comp rather than n-word.

Phantom Menace at least had the entertaining pod-race with two-headed Greg Proops, and a series-best lightsaber fight (until Last Jedi, that is), to offset the terrible dialogue, That Goddamn Kid, and Jar Jar Binks.

No, we did not all think that was fine.

I wrote a few days ago on here that I thought Horford was overpaid. That was a bad take and I apologize.

Frederick Douglass has been doing a lot of really great things lately.


#18 makes me glad I did not see Spiderman: Homecoming. Was already a hot mess over that “I don’t want to go!” (because Spidey Sense: he had to KNOW shit was going to be horrible), at least I did not have a whole movie to fall in love with his character beforehand. Though... when I walking in to see the movie they had

Calling it, everyone in the next one who survives in this one will die.

10. Why do all of the female superheros have wack superpowers?

2. Speaking of Thanos, did that nigga really throw a whole ass moon at Iron Man?

“How come all of the black superheros and Zoe Saldana’s black-ish superhero died?”

How is it that when a Black person says something that challenges systematic racism, the mainstream media tends to be strangely quiet about those comments or that person gets cast in a negative light.

When it turns out to be a cheap ploy to wring emotions out like every other time they’ve faked a character’s death? Yes. When death is meaningless, drama is inert. See American Horror Story: Coven where sudden resurrection just ruined the emotional stakes. See the time Pepper Pots was dying but suddenly got better.

Vision and Loki - Yes.

Do some people really believe that all those that ‘died’ will remain dead in the next film?

Right! Mentally disabled people are often deeply compassionate and wonderful individuals! Not hatemongers and hypocrites.

“Vision is an android so he could always be revived thanks to some of Tony’s tech wizardry.”

My expectation is that everyone currently alive will die considering that no future Iron Man, Captain America, or Hulk movies are likely to be made. Hawkeye isn’t getting a solo movie, Black Widow is only ever talked about as a prequel. Thor could have more movies in him, but he’s also the only one who could plausibly

Man, I really hope Gamora isn’t perma-dead. I like the character, but holy shit, that would be the most depressing character arc in the marvel U: