
Still won the primary and made it to the finals.

Now playing

Seriously. Paul Ryan is the poster child of “party over country.”

And the uranium she stole from Benghazi! Vince Foster knew about the pizza joint child sex ring years ago!

Why isn’t he looking into Hillary’s emails? You know the ones she already got cleared on?

In addition, Mueller, Rothenstein, and Sessions are all Republicans. His own damn party!

Fuckin’ Mueller! Dafaq he think he is, investigating corruption, obstruction, collusion with foreign govts., bank fraud, wire fraud, all the frauds, every kind of scam, flimflam and whathaveyou? Unpatriotic, I tells ya! Nothing is sacred anymore!

A friend of mine posted this, and I thought it worth repeating.

On second thought, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to elect a racist, misogynist, Russian-loan financed toddler as president?

So a lot of the focus (understandably) has been on Trump’s off his rocker reaction to the raid, but just so people understand...

Ouch looking like TJ miller but not being famous? I’d prob hit the gym instead of he stranger

“I mean, just imagine that Kellyanne is prepping her coffin for slumber”

we Democrats have one simple message for him: don’t.

I haven’t ever been to the parts of the US where bodega is used to mean corner store but I’ve never heard it anywhere in latin america. I’d call it an alamcén, tienda, or maybe kiosco.

Well, Lady, your husband sexually harassed female employees (but lack of a rape shield law or protection of womens acts not being passed until 1994, they were mocked and humiliated out of court), and has sold his soul to Monsanto and big communications/corporations.

You’re a brave commenter to suggest HRC ran an absolutely abysmal late-game campaign and relied too heavily on numbers on a spreadsheet over actually trying to win over voters whilst simultaneously just saying “I’m going to win, whatever”. Really inspired voters to actually get out and vote, she did.

So, objections:

1. White people who live in New York have to say bodega. Because otherwise they’re calling it a “corner store” or “convenience store” and that just doesn’t properly encapsulate a bodega.

7. Do not ban this word. Then we’re going to get (more) white people saying stuff like “SoHa” (an abomination that

There’s a bit of irony in people thinking “ghetto” belongs to the black community.

It’s a freaking latin term and used to describe tiny convenience stores in a lot of major cities. Not feeling the burn on that one.

Is officially on the list because too many black people use ninja as a substitute for nigga, and all popular nigga substitutes are banned from white mouths.