“isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?”
“isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?”
It’s damn near impossible for people who lack the most basic level of human decency to form a decent response.
Thanks. I came to say the same thing, but I only have experience with NA engines.
Absolutely agree. Having your spouse cheat on you - and lie to your face about it - is devastating. I mean, if you actually give a damn about your relationship and are invested in it, that is. I was fortunate in that there were no children involved. That’s another level of investment.
I have a hard time feeling bad for folks who cheat while in a marriage that isn’t abusive or neglectful (I actually understand cheating under those circumstances, as sometimes it takes realizing someone else will love you—and actually love you—to find the courage to get out), and even less sympathy for folks who cheat…
Yep, I hear you. In my experience, it seems largely a generational thing, both used in a song or not. Black friends of mine who are my age and younger seem to really not care when they know the context isn’t a racist, bigoted one. One of my closest friends, however, a black guy in his mid-50s who can clearly and…
“He’d cry and say he was nervous his wife would take the kids away.”
According to the latest issue of US Weekly, Trump was in it for the long haul with O’Day. “Don told Aubrey he wanted to have a baby with her,” a source told the tabloid. “They were trying for one.”
As a white guy in his early 40s who grew up listening to hip-hop, it’s really not that difficult to just skip over the word altogether. Don’t even have to come up with a replacement, just pick the song back up on the next word.
Some people meet their fitness goals using anger.
I don’t think that’s the case - I specifically remember reading about Kanye at a concert introducing “Gold Digger” by saying something like “White people, here’s your chance” (referencing the line in the chorus).
Organization that focus on preventing gun violence without focusing on the “gun” half of the phrase. Like, um. Shit, I’ll think of one. The Young Republicnas maybe?
I’ll take “That is a purposefully dishonest title that mischaracterized what happened” over “fake news,” which has lost all meaning at this point.
I believe they’re Sports Cousins actually.
As the Handbook of Racial Rules notes, white people have immunity from any consequences for saying the word “nigga” when it’s within the context of a song. We regret the error.
Came here to say exactly this. Happy someone else remembers that tomfoolery.
Not for a turbo— lower compression means you can run more boost and dump in more fuel without detonation, leading to increased power output levels...
“...the compression ratio can vary anywhere between 8:1 (for high performance) and 14:1 (for high efficiency).”