the man in the moon rules the infinite time

Nintendo is in a very, very strong financial position with several IPs that print money in their stable. How exactly do you think they’re not doing well? The Wii U was a failure, yeah, but the 3DS makes money hand over fist, they’re starting to make insane amounts of cash in the mobile space, and they have huge

Yeah, gosh, why on earth would they keep making people re-buy the same games that have been bestsellers each of the seventeen thousand times they’ve been re-released in various formats, it’s a real head-scratcher, I really can’t figure it out.

I am pretty sure that almost every Wii U owner has played MK8, dude. I literally couldn’t even find a place to buy the console last year without it preinstalled. I’m kind of soured on it, because I played it a bunch with a bunch of people for like a week but with the complete lack of Battle Mode arenas (the mode

The “last console” that tried to make money at launch was the original Wii, which came out two days after the PS3 and made literally record-breaking piles of cash that Nintendo has been comfortably floating on ever since. What the hell are you talking about?

Hahaha, what an absurd, stupid thing to say. In public, even! Did you realize you posted something so dumb? Did you mean to type it up for a quiet, private chuckle, and then accidentally hit “publish” to loose this idiocy upon the world?

Evanston is a very wealthy suburb with almost 100,000 people, it’s not a “small town” by any stretch of the imagination.

Considering the Switch doesn’t come out for two months and is already sold out literally everywhere that allows preorders, I think it will do just fine.

An online service that requires an extra device for basic features coupled with “free” games that actually expire at the end of the month (unlike the two paid online services Nintendo is aping) is not “getting with the times” at all.

The Switch will launch with a new online service. It’ll be free at launch, but in fall of 2017 Nintendo will start to charge for it. According to Nintendo, subscribers will get to download and play a NES or Super Nintendo game “for free for a month,” and those games will have newly-added online features.

It takes like all of six minutes to upgrade the hard drive in a PS4, the whole process is impossibly easy. When I did it, the hardest part was finding the firmware on Sony’s site, the current version at the time incorrectly linked back to the firmware patch instead of the full install.

Seriously, this is a problem

I love sitting waving Mario, it reminds me of that great part of World 4-3 where Mario sits in a chair and waves at the screen for thirty seconds. It was really a great level and it’s awesome to see Nintendo pay homage to one of the classics like this.

It absolutely can’t be Chewbacca’s kid, there were like six months between their one night stand and Rory revealing she was pregnant, with significant swimsuit time in between.

This is just a reminder that the phones that those are running on are literally - literally - thousands of times stronger and faster than the NESes that the original versions ran on.

What the absolute fuck, Capcom.

That tiny screen that has six times the amount of pixels that the game originally used on a PS2 or XBox? Oh dear, you’re right, that would just be completely unplayable!

FFT, XCOM, Bioshock, FNAF, GTA, and Jade Empire all have fantastic mobile ports. Are you a time traveler from 2008? Hot tip for you - invest in Trump.

The generification issue is more pressing than you think. “Roguelike”, “MetroidVania”, “Diablo-clone” - these are all used really commonly and obviously borrow from one or more game titles. Recently I read a review that called Let It Die the best Soulsborne game ever. People absolutely genericize names in the video

I use a helping hand all the time for soldering but have found they’re more trouble than they’re worth for painting minis and models - if it’s big enough, keep it on the table, if not, hold it in your non-dominant hand and keep your wrists pressed together while you paint it with the other hand. It’ll feel weird as

I’m about a month into owning a Monoprice Maker Select (the Prusa i3 clone redhead995 mentioned) and once you take it out of the box and set it up it is really astoundingly easy and accurate. It’s actually forcing me to go back and learn Blender like I always told myself I would, though, because once I have a model

“fucking leaches”? “fucking lawyers”? Boy, you’re fucking dumb.

Absolutely not, since those buttons become A/B/X/Y when you’re in half-controller mode. A weird decision, but if there’s a company I trust to get D-pads feeling nice no matter the design it’s Nintendo.