the man in the moon rules the infinite time

The absurdity of protesting what you admit is a modest welfare program, in the face of the massive upward redistribution enacted by the overall GOP agenda, is precisely the topic at hand. TheWalkingDude never characterized the end of internet subsidies specifically as “draconian.” He cited Pai’s actions as a whole as

And here we see the primary thing that’s ruining this country. The attitude of “Got mine, fuck you” that’s been the cornerstone of conservative doctrine for thirty years. The use of tax money to help poor people, build infrastructure, and make sure everyone maintained a base standard of living while having a fair

You’re not thinking big picture, man. Teaming Vick up with AP would’ve been perfect. They could’ve easily combined their “bring your dog” day with “bring your kid” day. Except replace “bring” with “beat” (and “accidentally” with “repeatedly”).

Me and Adrian Peterson would have been dynamic.

Oh, It’s still available. I imagine anyone who wants the info can just go to the display department!

Best business scoop I read this week came from Jason Schreier. Hopefully Gamestop becomes even slightly better to work and shop in as a result of his great reporting.

I agree. But we need to come up with an acceptable alternative to “women.” “Girls” is belittling, but “women” is just too damn formal! For guys, we have, well, “guy(s),” and “dude(s),” because saying “man/men” in every context would just be weird. “Gals” will never work. Ever. “Ladies” can come off as sleezy.

Is America not a first world nation anymore?

yes, theres a very good reason, period.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.


Sometimes. But often the equipment needed costs more than the final product (e.g. Cars, computers, etc, etc...). This really doesn’t justify the cost. I mean, why does the “chest of holding” cost $900? You could hit up Amazon or any number of brick and mortar stores and find wooden desktop organizers for far less

Holy hell that’s absurdly expensive. You could literally buy the power tools, wood, hardware, and stains and make it for cheaper.

I can promise that I am and will be continuing to follow this closely!

Totally agree, and I’d go even further. The corporate metrics are the ones driving that misbehavior, which wouldn’t be happening without this scheme to begin with. The whole scheme sounds like something some idiot straight out of B-school dreamed up - “we’ll measure performance based on their metrics, just like we

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.

I love how Bartel in that memo takes zero responsibility for the corporate practices contributing to the “disappointing” behaviors you described.

The explanation is simple. You have to jump through about five hoops to even get the game to track your stats. It’s absurd. The game should just ask you as soon as you start it up — hey, is it cool if we track your stacks for the global missions? Frankly I’m not sure even that’s necessary, it’s not like there’s some

The real reason it fails, they added an extra layer to get to online that wasn’t in gen6 with the Player Search System. There is also no Holo Caster/notification center. Only telling a player there is an event when they are trading isn’t very good design.

Game Freak needs to stop feeling the need to reinvent features

Or they could get rid of that stupid requirement and come up with something more user friendly