the man in the moon rules the infinite time

I held a bit of Mad Catz stock for a while and unloaded it when they kept emphasizing how RB4 was going to save their profits, two days before RB4 came out and I still hadn’t really seen an ad for it anywhere. Who ties all of their cash to a plastic instrument rhythm game in 2015?!

Why do you need your GM screen to be hardwood? It’s a glorified fucking picture frame. Don’t be daft.

Dude my current GM screen has been going strong for eight years and it’s literally cardboard, what the fuck are you doing in your games where you’re breaking your screens? Like seriously, what the fuck?

Tony sure sounds like a tone-deaf moron making shortsighted policies that will make short-term profits at the expense of long-term sales, huh. It’s almost like he’s trying to wring as much money as possible out of the franchise before digital sales and sales tied to accounts make presold games a thing of the past,

Discs don’t spin during gameplay anymore. Pretty much every game in the past three or four years installs itself in its entirety on your HDD.

I’m glad that this is happening to other people and it’s not just me losing my mind. The TV Services tab takes like 30 seconds to load sometimes, it’s crazy - but what’s even weirder is this only started last week, when (as the article notes) the last system update was quite a bit older than that.

Because it sets the level of discourse immediately to “shitty, condescending, with an air of pretension”, right off the bat, for no reason at all other than to antagonize people.

Because I’m not going to read a condescending essay ostensibly aimed at my demographic when the very first word is vaguely insulting babytalk nonsense?

Good lord, why would anyone listen to someone who uses the “word” “wypipo” unironically multiple times? I’ll shut the fuck up when you grow the fuck up, how about that?

That’s an easy assumption to make, but that’s all it is: an assumption. Handheld games that are (more or less) straight-up ports of console games traditionally sell way-y-y-y-y less than the console version when the install base is less skewed, even when multiplayer and other factors are involved. Literally

Or, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that the Wii U undersold the 3DS by an order of magnitude? There’s no fucking mystery here, Jesus.

I’m seeing an install base for the 3DS of closer to 80 million by early 2016 so I’m going to say the 65.3 number is a bit anemic. And that tells the whole story right there - there’s no surprise at all that it did better on a console with nearly eight times the install base.

Talking shit is way different than taunting, and is in fact not prohibited at all by this tournament. Also, in the NFL if you fucking teabagged someone you’d be out of the game really damn quick, so I don’t know exactly what point you’re trying to make here other than you are really bad at comparing similar yet

Hmm, I don’t know, how about the Dakota Access Pipeline protests that regularly sabotaged construction vehicles and illegally closed roads instead of staying in convenient “Free Speech Zones” surrounded by riot police at all times?

Way to miss the point, which was that protests on their own have not accomplished anything in nearly a century without being accompanied by civil disobedience up to and including actual property destruction. I don’t know what straw-man argument you’re claiming I’m hiding behind, here - can you name a counter-example

Way more than your shitty vitriol did, I assure you.

Hmm. As someone who voted for Hillary despite finding it a bitter pill to swallow, and actively encouraged others to do the same, how about you kindly go fuck yourself ragged with a cactus?

As opposed to all of the change enacted by nonviolent protests without heavyhanded and well-organized civil disobedience?

This is a good list with some actually fresh ideas beyond just unifying the account system (the simplest and most obvious solution), but it’s sad that none of it will ever, ever come to pass.

You’d think that in 2017 Nintendo would have a much better idea of what the fuck people expect from an online market, but then again you would have thought that in 2012 and 2006 as well and you’d be just as wrong then as you are now.

I am really excited for the Switch for the form factor, but that’s just embarrassing.