the man in the moon rules the infinite time

A whole article without a callout against the State Attorney Ladd Erickson who (when he realized he couldn’t make a trespassing charge stick) decided she was “rioting” just because her reporting showed protesters in a positive light? The guy is an absolute moron and deserves to get ousted from office for this.

Was it actually possible to do this without damaging your Game Boy? When the power was on in the original Game Boy, the switch itself had a little plastic plate that slid into the detent on the corner of the Game Pak preventing it from being removed when it was in use. The Game Boy Color Game Paks didn’t have the

MN is a special case because of how absurdly close the on and off ramps are. It’s nuts, the posted speed limit is 70 MPH and at a lot of places you have about 150 ft total to complete your merge and get over.

Calling anything features-light compared to goddamn Starbound, of all things, is absurd. Did I just wander into the Twilight Zone, some alternate dimension where ChuckleFish didn’t wank away all of their goodwill by making their game progressively less fun to play with every single update?

...Yes? I mean, barring a few specific cases (literally magnitudes less than you’d find cases of religious leaders oppressing people), absolutely, unequivocally yes.

Does this really surprise anyone? I mean, I love Steam, I have 180 games in my library and dozens more in my inventory to use as gifts or play myself, but....Valve kind of lucked into being this huge powerhouse. I’ve never gotten the impression that they’re particularly business-savvy, more that they were in the right

Dude, comparing DQ7 to Lord of the Rings is like comparing Soylent to a five-star restaurant’s four-course meal. Not only are they in completely different categories but by making the comparison you display that you don’t understand why that is.

Sometimes this stuff can work, like in Persona 4 where the first two hours or so are just introducing you to the town of Inaba and its residents...but in a Dragon Quest game? I’m over here laughin’.

Under no circumstances should you start with DQ VII. Really, if you’re a total newcomer, jump into DQ IX for the DS. The graphics aren’t even that much worse.

Hmm, yes, that could certainly be the case if it was a one-off occurrence, but when you work out for eight hours a week for several years you tend to notice and track these things with dietary logs and stuff.

Not that I’d expect someone whose biggest workout this week has undoubtedly been straining their pair of brain

Love it or hate it, Overwatch has some pretty standout character design.

Well, considering it was a bunch of dudes, no, it wasn’t.

Sorry, I swear by the gels. When I work out hard, at about the one hour mark I would start to feel really lousy - just overheated, nauseous, all kinds of awful. If I ate right before practice I could counteract this, but then I’d usually feel too full and gross to push hard in the first place. The gels were totally a

A bottle of Gatorade after a rough practice but before a short ice bath was my nightly ritual after roller derby practice, and I could definitely tell that I felt a lot better immediately after the Gatorade, but those were 2+ hour practices with 3lb weights on each foot, often in sweltering heat, as you’re combining

Twitter is reporting the MRI is showing a torn ACL, he’s out for the 2016 season.

That’s also totally a possibility. I just feel bad recommending it, even if it IS my favorite handheld, when the support is clearly drying up and it requires things like proprietary memory cards.

No mention of the PS One redesign? I feel like that really kicked off the trend of modern slim redesigns (after all, we didn’t see anything similar for the Super Nintendo or N64). The idea of shrinking everything, making it efficient enough to run off of a car battery, and selling an attachable screen was brilliant

If I was writing the grand history of video games through the second decade of the 21st century, the PS Vita would be a major headline for the abject failures that caused it to flop so hard. It’s one of my favorite pieces of hardware ever, but Sony mismarketed the hell out of it and left it out to dry instead of

This game has always blown my mind, ever since I was a kid playing it at release and being terrified of the Thwomp chasing you through level 1-4. Have any major AAA titles since Wario Land been ballsy enough to include an entire hidden WORLD - not a collection of bonus levels, but a regular World - behind a random

If you drive like you spell, no wonder you think zipper merges are good.