
Weird, the bear trap, immediately following Charlie’s oddly graceful navigation of his trip wires hit me exactly right. I haven’t laughed out loud that hard in a while. Though I agree with Perkins that the direct homage to Home Alone was a little too faithful, the episode worked for me. I liked the set up with

Bernie was pragmatic almost to a fault, and it contributed to his failure in the Primaries. He was too centrist on gun control for Democrats motivated by that, too unwilling to dive deep into racial problems to move black voters. All with an eye on the general election and not alienating centrist voters (as Hillary

If I recall, when they were meeting fan backlash D&D stated that Shireen’s burning came from Martin, but they weren’t more specific. Given Shireen’s location and Stannis’ current circumstance, it seems a lot more likely that Queen Selyse will do the burning of her own volition. It would be much more interesting if

So we all agree, Whiterose’s mission has finally been revealed: assure that Wyld Stallionz finish their high school history presentation.

Wasn’t it Tyrell that made the decision to target all if the facilities? He realized he couldn’t reliably work directly against Elliot so he leaned into Elliott’s workaround instead. Whiterose ultimately doesn’t care if one building or 71 go down, so long as it kills Price.

The ice cream line probably broke the illusion, but maybe she also recognized the kindness, in contrast to her memories of her father. Two things.

Lynch seems not to be easy to draw out into long explanations during interviews.

Maybe all or those things contain spirits?

Maybe Bob is the Magician, and his ability to create Dopplegangers is a threat to the White Lodge and maybe the Black Lodge as well? Mike and especially his Arm seem to exist in some space between good and evil. Obviously Mike/the Arm was among the Convenience Store inhabitants before Mike cut his evil off, but what

That watch was a lovely gift from Wally Brando, no doubt obtained on his ride across this great nation of ours, following in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark…

I have only read the edited version, and without knowing what was changed (but for a few obvious inserts) I have no problems with it. I do want to read the original at some point, though. Honestly, the obviously inserted Taheen appearance in the early chapters of the edited version was fascinating for the fact that

The flashback to Roland's training/hawk battle would probably be the hardest part to make feel of a piece with the rest of the movie. It would also be really unlikely that a movie would make Jake's death in the real world as queasy as King writes it.

All of the Dark Tower graphic novels are pretty solid—well-written with good artwork. They do a great job fleshing out Roland's story between the stuff in Wizard in Glass and the Gunslinger. Their depiction of John Farson and his army is disturbing and fantastic.

You're right about all of those things (speaking of tics, the magical mentally challenged person has to be his most awful and ubiquitous,right?), with the caveat that there are usually some really interesting small scenes buried in all of the crap (except for sure in Dreamcatcher, which is unmitigated garbage). The

I didn't feel a lot of sympathy for Ellaria. I mean, what Cersei did was awful, but well…Ellaria probably shouldn't have murdered Myrcella just because. Taking vengeance on Cersei and Jaime by murdering their rather innocent child, when it was Tyrion (the brother Cersei openly hated) whom Oberyn championed, and

Why would she implicate Littlefinger? She wants him out there, fucking shit up for the Lannisters without them knowing it.

I agree. The show never had to be so mundane in its adaptive choices even when they had the books to guide them, though. GoT's pedestrian storytelling and slavishness have always held it back from being a top tier show. To be clear, this is a criticism of the producers' failure to make the most of their medium, not

Martin can move thing forward quickly when he's of a mind. Baby Aegon captures the Stormlands in one chapter and some exposition. Dany only takes 5 chapters in ASoS to conquer all of Slavers Bay. He just got seriously bogged down in ADwD when he needed the dragons to grow up and for everyone to move into place. I

The show has never felt the need to address very obvious dangling story threads like Dragonstone. Storm's End doesn't appear to exist in HBOsteros, never mind that Robert was obviously lord of somewhere before the rebellion. I think this premier would have been much more powerful if Dany had retaken Dragonstone by

In the books the faster, smaller longships favored by the Ironborn were built over years, mostly from wood from raided forests, while the larger ships of the Iron Fleet were largely taken by piracy. The show doesn't bother with the distinction and makes about as much sense as Varys teleportation powers.