
It kind of depends. First-children usually take longer to birth, but with subsequent pregnancies labor can go really fast and relatively easy. I’m a paramedic, I’ve attended a number of births that happened quickly and unexpectedly and in non-ideal circumstances. Her running from a zombie in the midst of labor was a

I have seen this argument ad nauseum now. I did not play the game or know its beats (I know more about the sequel, unfortunately, from so many butt-hurt gamers who derided it with unfailing gamer entitlement), but I simply disagree with this perception. I thought the first two episodes and ep. 5 firmly established the

Holy shit, my brain tried to forget D.A.R.Y.L. existed. Thanks for that reminder. 8-year’old me’s memory recalls (dubiously) that the movie was tonally really somber and self-serious.  And does he fly like an experimental jet or some shit at the end?

I thought it looked more natural on Rhaenyra than it did on Daenerys--but I didn’t think it worked on any other character.

Caring about the characters is going to be difficult if you’ve read a version of this story, maybe, and come in with a certain expectation of the characters, but I found both Viserys and Rhaenyra fairly compelling (I’m on the fence about Daemon) and most of the acting was decent. I think it’s the adaptation’s job

I definitely had the impression of a lesbian subtext from Young-ja, and further, a trans subtext from Ji-ah, particularly when her friend’s “we’re all human” comment seemed to add a layer of distance between two people finding common ground as outsiders. Much of Ji-ah’s story, to my mind, invokes a stealth-trans

The 7k single eye imagery also pretty directly mirrors the single eye of Veidt’s alien squid, though it’s hard to know what to make of the connection, since presumably Adrian wasn’t referencing a hate group.

I was thinking she might be a re-creation of Osterman's first girlfriend whose name escapes me.  The one who was dying of cancer.

Also her lieutenant who has been arguing with her all season still exists to presumably take over the DA is Whiterose is offed.

The opening sequence was so good. I loved the depiction of the monster’s dying psychic scream and its aftermath, evocative of the corpse-piled MSG from the book. Also, loved all the single-eye imagery leading up to the actual depiction of Adrian’s beast: the camera close-up of Wade’s eye, the knot top girl’s eye

Manning always seemed a decent sort in the show, there was never any malice towards Bullock, and given he ran for sheriff to become a fireman, it seems unlikely he would resent Bullock's position.  I don't have a problem with Harry going bad, but it did feel very much out of left field here.

And yet seems to have learned very little from Littlefinger. Do you think LF would be openly displaying his animosity to the queen the North is nominally pledged to? If Sansa were as clever as Littlefinger she would have become Dany’s best friend and helped her in every way possible so far as it benefitted her cause,

She should have provoked an immediate battle.  Dany had barely a token force.  Cersei's best shot was to attack her at her weakest moment.  Tywin wouldn't have hesitated to do so.

Dany has a very good reason to wait out Cersei: the Golden Company is a mercenary army.  Time costs Cersei money and resources, gives Dany a chance to bring southerners together cause, and to rebuild her army and establish rule in the north.  Her rush to fight is senseless.

I guess I really meant "at least equal." I know its forbidden book material, but Targaryens have gone to civil war over similarly close claims, and Rhaegar's secrecy in wedding Lyanna as a second wife muddles the situation.  It seems obvious that a co-rulership would be the ideal outcome here.

Yup. I hate the way the show has just shitcanned all the wolves, but the symbolism of the dragon eating the direwolf is too obvious.

He's still Night's Watch, so they'll need to stab him and bring him back to life to release him from his oath, first.

I really just wanted her to tug on her collar a little at that point.

I think Jon’s parentage will matter to Dany, in that she believes her claim is rightful, and learning that Jon’s claim is equal to hers might make her adjust her viewpoint. It also might help bring Sansa and the North around if Dany would marry Jon, making a northerner co-ruler of the seven kingdoms.  

Speaking of dragons eating, I'm calling it now that they kill off Ghost by having Rhaegel eat him, for symbolism.