
But everything you're saying applies in reverse in the EC system. I live in Iowa, I'm really not comfortable with people in rural bubbles like western Steve King-Iowa creating rules that apply to urban areas and everyone else. People should also not be punished for living in cities. This function of the EC is

Seeing Trump's ugly, scowling mug hanging in the VA lobby next to the VA Secretary's photo when I take pt's to the ER is one of the most depressing parts of my job now, which, as a paramedic is kind of saying something. Even G.W. Bush at least had the good grace to fucking smile for his presidential photo.

I guess I don't understand how the presence of supernatural beings invalidate the reality of the abuse here, why they can't be both metaphorical and real at the same time. I don't see any reason to believe that the Lodge spirits are anything other than a product of human evil. That they return to act back upon

Real Coop is in Las Vegas, with amnesia. Dougie was sucked into the Red Room and popped/turned into a golden marble, and then real Cooper materialized from the outlet, and Jade just assumed he is Dougie. Since real Cooper is already in the world, this has to be the Coopleganger reborn, maybe sans BOB.

I have to think those dome incubator things are a motif in both lodges or the entire Lodge-plane or whatever, because the American Girl's "Mother" (probably the glass-box monster that spewed the BOB egg here) pounding on the door in the purple room certainly did not seem like anything benevolent. The purple room

I'm on board up until the point that the frog-bug is Laura or the girl Sarah Palmer. The cinematic connection between the Woodsman's broadcast and the frog-bug finding a host seemed too clear, he seemed to be shepherding the thing. Also the creature is just too repellent to be shining-orb Laura. The frog-bug almost

You mean Lewis and his friend Clark? The first Cauc-azians to explore this great land?

I don't know if you were alive during the Cold War, but my childhood took place during the end of it, and I can recall the nuclear threat causing me a lot of anxiety (especially after watching that bad but still terrifying "The Day After" movie). Atomic weapons are just such an ungodly horror, they feel like an

It looks distinctly like Lynch is relocating Laura as the hero of this story (she was the hero of FWWM already). Given how messed up Laura's life seems to be, it's easy to forget that she was simultaneously a shining beacon of goodness to Twin Peaks. Everybody loved Laura. Cooper may be similar, and their

I don't think so, not exactly—not in the sense that Godzilla was a super-mutation from a terrestrial creature. I still think the Black Lodge exists before 1945 (it's apparently traditional Indian lore, per Hawk—that doesn't rule out that the Black Lodge may be created by the sum of human evil). It seems to me that

We don't know when that opening conversation takes place, or if time works the same where he is. Is it future or is it past. Could be that Cooper is ultimately destined for the White Lodge, even if he's not there for the 25 years after S2.

Yoda was so great in A New Hope.

(Responding to your comment at the other site, since I don't use a Disqus account) Thanks for that post. It's a really apt quote and a well-made argument, though I'm not certain it's entirely correct regarding Dale. For one, Cooper shows tremendous empathy towards Leland, knowing him to be the killer (at his death

I adore Janey-E's dialogue, it's so weirdly out of sync with reality, almost anachronistic. She's one tough dame.

I laughed as the sweeping went on, and on. It very much felt like Lynch not only deliberately slowing the pace, but also tweaking the viewer a little bit. I was weirdly invested in whether he would get all of the debris.

Also you have to wonder if Evil Coop went after the nurse that stole the jade ring from Annie, and/or how that ring ended up on Dougie's finger.

Evil Coop may have been simply intending to use the dog-leg to blackmail the warden into letting Ray out, but had to use it for himself as well. When and where he acquired said dog-leg is mysterious. Pretty convenient thing to have lying around. I wonder if Mr. C and/or BOB's connection to the Black Lodge gives

It's up in the air, for sure. It's also very possible that the younger Doppleganger was new enough that he still resembled real Cooper to a greater degree, and that Diane didn't see the difference so easily 25 years past. The only thing I can really imagine Diane being upset about if it were real Coop would be his

The nature of Leland's possession is really tough to gauge. I think it breaks down to part of Leland giving into his darkest desires (manifested from his abuse by Robertson/BOB [and maybe other Lodge dwellers—didn't he mention that the Chalfronts also lived next to him by the lake?]) and allowing BOB in or to remain
