
I think (I hope) AMC likes its prestige shows, and BCS has too many ties to Breaking Bad to leave the series incomplete at this point. Fargo may be on the bubble. The last two episodes have done a lot to turn its season around, but it may be running out of ideas, and Hawley still has Legion to run.

Pretty much all the Salamancas are irredeemable. Maybe the twins read stories to orphans in their down time though…

Yeah, there's a whole lot of combustible material littering that house now. Chuck is dead unless he made a last second break for the door.

Yes, Jimmy was being optimistic, but it wouldn't be unthinkable for Irene's friends to forgive her if she explained that she simply didn't know her friends' feelings on the matter and apologized for making assumptions. Chuck's analysis of Jimmy is only correct if you think people are driven more by something

I agree regarding nudity (the particularly American Puritanical anti-nudity strain in our culture drives some of this criticism, though on the other hand I think it's relevant that nude depictions are unbalanced towards women), and I think Lynch does nudity beautifully, but I can see where it could be argued that

I think it's a reasonable, if not terribly interesting criticism to make, but at this point it may be a little early to make it. We don't know that Jade isn't more important than she seemed at first (unless there's some inside info that I'm not privy to). Lynch definitely has a history of displaying women's naked

No, the ratings are because it is on a premium cable channel, not one of the three networks that once dominated all of television. Ratings mean dick to Showtime—Twin Peaks netted them their biggest ever jump in subscriptions.

I have an unlikely theory that Evil Coop manufactured Dougie out of a part of himself, specifically the part of himself that Needs. Evil Coop makes a distinct point of telling Ray that he wants, he never needs. Likely that is just EC trying to sound badass, but maybe EC had to give up some of himself to make Dougie.

It's not "lazy writing and directing." You honestly think Lynch doesn't know how Cooper's behavior would look in reality or that people would react differently? Lynch made the choice to depict things this way for a reason. Maybe to suggest that Dougie behaved strangely before Cooper (possibly because he was maybe

Both Chuck and Jimmy display aspects of WW in their fall, but Chuck certainly displays Walter's arrogance in a way that Jimmy doesn't. I don't know that there's such a close parallel for Jimmy in BrBa.

It has had me wondering if Jimmy could have been assisting Kim in an unofficial capacity, or if the terms of his suspension preclude any type of law-work at all. Then again, Jimmy may not meet Kim's standards for thoroughness in contract law.

Agree. HHM is probably wise to unburden itself of Chuck, given his recent obsessions and lack of humility—his judgement is compromised. But Howard probably picked the wrong moment and method of presentation.

It did appear that she was lucky to have not gone deeper into that ravine. That's a warning shot from above, Kim.

Probably the only ethical way to go about it would be honest self-sacrifice, Jimmy donating his share of the payout back to the client-pool.

I'd say Kim's still a better person than HT, though. Francesca eventually follows Saul down the rabbit hole. Kim is only really guilty of unadvisedly overworking, being unable to stay within her limitations in the interest of her firm.

That's a classic Breaking Bad sort of reversal. The ant-hero winds up with the payday only after destroying the thing he's been theoretically working for.

I'll be honest, I find myself sympathizing with Howard over Chuck and Jimmy lately. The brothers appear to be on the verge of dismantling a well-established law-firm out of their own greed and arrogance. Howard has shown admirable loyalty to Chuck, and he's justified in expecting Chuck to show some restraint now,

I think BCS beautifully lowlights the little con-games that take place in upstanding society via institutions. Law firms (and financial advisors, extended warranty providers, loan providers, pharmaceutical companies, private and especially for-profit colleges, chiropractors, etc) manipulate their clients to their own

I think you're spot on here. Keeping in mind the age of these clients, there's a strong likelihood that more than one of them wouldn't live to see the final settlement. It actually probably would be in their collective best interest to settle for a little less earlier. I also agree that some of Irene's predicament

A couple weeks ago I was the passenger in our ambulance (I'm a paramedic), responding to a call with lights and sirens, and checking the call details on our on-board computer, when my partner/the driver yelled "Jesus!" I didn't have time to even see it coming when the SUV hit the door next to me, knocking my head