
Sure, I guess in your world an individual company that has a relationship with a union is just like repealing minimum wage for everyone.

Why not? We've already gone down the rabbit hole with you and/or Jodark, why the hell not.

Didn't you hear? The plural of anecdote is apparently data.

Although I just want to point out now, before you waste anymore time, this is a guy who thought the father of the Polish trade unions was a union buster like Thatcher and Reagan, and also admits that he gets his 'news' from...The Drudge Report.

So...yeah. You might want to not waste your breath on the 'scholar'.

Recc'ing and responding as Jodark has a nasty habit of dismissing comments that point out that exact same thing.

You should probably read up on stuff before discussion. Like, a handy link provided prior to your comment? Because they discuss the denominations, tracing, all that fun stuff. And for a guy who's sole contribution to this whole thread has been 'well this one time this one guy I knew who worked at this one union did

I had no idea they put a gun to Joe's head, and forced him to apply for a job he knew would involve a union! Someone should call the police, that's super illegal.

He should pray to St Ayn of the Invisible Hand that the Free Market removes him from the bondage of benefits obtained through collective bargaining, maybe

Now playing

And to answer the first part of your original statement, forming a union isn't a 'problem'.

Dammit, I lol'ed.

...and then there is Jodark....

"In other words, a problem caused by management must be solved by the union".

Fixed it for ya!

I hate to tell you, but people abuse drugs and alcohol on the job regardless of whether it's union or not.

In London's Square Mile (financial heart of the city), over 99% of the tested bills contained amounts of cocaine. And before you try the 'a towmotor operator is more dangerous than a desk jockey!' defense,


He campaigned for Romney because he was angry with Obama's abandonment of the long-range arms agreement with Poland. He was also a vocal supporter of Occupy Wall Street. He stepped down with the Solidarity Union because they aligned themselves with the more conservative, non-worker

"See children? It's never our fault for voting against our interests, taking lower wages when we could collectively bargain for higher ones, and subsequently get fucked by our bosses! It's everyone else's fault! Because that what's exceptionalism and pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps mean - be so stupid you

Ha! I always thought of him as his own personal Jesus Christ, happily martyring himself in the middle of Galt's Gulch. Someone tell him to get off the cross, we need the wood.

I reckon Jodark cried hard enough. Has to suck getting his ass kicked so hard on his 'home' turf.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't almost all of them also federal leech states (they take more in federal benefits than they give to the government in the form of taxes collected)? So we blue states are in essence propping them up?

Very true, in a political sense. But this was also a man who not only risked his life for striking workers, but helped engineer the Gdarisk Agreement, which was massively pro-worker. It's sad, I like Walesa's work on so many levels, I just wished he'd have kept his Catholicism out of the mix. But it's Poland,