
And the union he founded was 10 MILLION strong in the first wave of entrance.

That's how 'horrid' unions are. lollers.

Debating Jodark is like shooting fish in a barrel. So damn easy it takes all the fun out of it.

Oh, you.

Pssst...Jodark actually thinks Lech Walesa was a 'union buster', as opposed to reality, where he was the father of the largest trade union. No, seriously. That's actually what he thinks. This is the level of education and intellect we are dealing with here.…

Asshole doesn't know much about history either - he actually thinks Lech Walesa, father of the Solidarity Trade Union, was a 'union buster'. LOL.

Lech Walesa formed the most powerful Union in his country. He was a trade union activist. He, at risk to his own life, provided aid to striking workers. He didn't bust up the unions, he literally wrote the book on unionizing.

Goddammit, you are so fucking stupid.



Org receiving tax exempt status attempting to break conditions of their 501c3 by forcing religious beliefs on workers? That organization?

I'd remind that organization that if they'd like to break the 1st Amendment, they can do it without tax-exempt status.

But good try! Such a good little try!

The poor thing is just anti-everything. He probably has no idea that Lech stood up against martial law, helped form semi-free elections, and won the Nobel Peace Prize. He just knows UNION = BADBADBAD.

(Mind you, I'm not a fan of Walesa's personal views on homosexuality and such, but Jodark is once again way off

"If an individual decides to accept the employer's terms as their own, what's the issue?"

You mean like the terms 'This factory is unionized - if you wish to work here, you will pay dues'? Terms like that?

Who wants to bet it's going to be something along the lines of 'I get what I want, damn everyone else'?

Wal-Mart is unionized in Europe. (They go by the name Asda).

You are literally the dumbest dumb that ever dumbed.


You. Come here.


I'm sure he's crying into his bootstraps.

Companies force workers as terms of employment to associate with other entities either temporarily or permanently all the time. If you go for a factory job where you drive a towmotor, you have to be trained (almost always 3rd party) and licensed (by the state) to do so. If you work for a corporation where

No. Because you can always quit, or better yet, not apply for a job you specifically know will have these issues.

Apparently in Jodark's world, any time you are asked to do anything you don't like, it's mega-Atlas-Shrugged-oppression.

I believe they call that concept 'skin in the game', another phrase conservatives are quite fond of.

Your talking points are old. Like, Thatcher old. Try harder.

I know in the AYN RAND FAPPING APPROVED FREE MARKET world every day is Faturday, and life is beautiful, but in the real world, he's getting paid well, and has protections that he wouldn't have otherwise.

F-C is union. Part and parcel. Suck it up,

The Free Market, in which all businesses operate, says if you don't like where you work, you can go work somewhere else.

Hence, he can go work somewhere else.

He chooses not to, and work for a union.

He's more than welcome to go sling burgers at BK for 7.75 an hour with no real employee protections.

He chose a job