It’s too late. He has been named and he is related to characters from Rebels and Clone Wars. lol
It’s too late. He has been named and he is related to characters from Rebels and Clone Wars. lol
Vapebutt most likely. It is only caused by long term vape use, no one has been diagnosed yet.
This is probably “The Last Wish” with the Djinn, where Geralt and Yennefer meet for the first time.
I use my hair to express myself
Early Cronenberg would work. I don’t need to see a naked cat fight in a litter box
I would totally go see this if it was directed by David Lynch. All they have to do is rescore it like a horror film and it will make bank.
If the meat industry was smart they would apply for trademark/copyright of every possible name that a fake meat product might use. Not sure if this would work legally but it would seriously dampen sales.
No that is incorrect. First you buy the product, then you donate it and then you buy another one.
Now we know why Sobble is crying. Nice going jerk
This worked better at launch then HBO GO has ever worked. I watched the Mandalorian late Tuesday with a couple of “buffering” pauses. No other issues since then.
Maybe they should have had a meeting about MacLunkey instead.
Who eats Fun Dip past the age of twelve? That’s some Jim Spandex type shit right there. The stick is literally made of chalk, which is why it is sports, I guess. There is chalk in sports.
I sincerely hope this isn’t the last Deadspin article, but if it is then I am glad you were the one to write it Drew.
Is anyone else annoyed that Jif comes in Smooth or Extra Chunky only. Where is the regular Chunky? I’d prefer a Semi-Chunk if it was available.
Erections are sports
What is Deadspin may never die, but rises again harder and stronger
You must mean Willem Dafuq. They get mixed up quite frequently