
Because some asshole pro-lifer will make the rounds of dr.s offices pretending she wants an abortion, and rat out the doctors who don’t comply with the letter of the law. She will describe this as her Holy Duty.

you know what else is an irreversible decision??? HAVING A BABY

Do these people even hear what they’re saying? Yeah, because women are too damned stupid to figure out that an abortion isn’t reversable. Because they haven’t thought about it at all, they just showed up on a whim. “Hey, I’m not doing anything, why not get an abortion? I can always change my mind later.” Happens every

Yeah Pete was a dick to everyone, including his wife. His manner of speaking was very funny to me though.

Our favourite is “Hell’s bells, Trudy!”. Hell’s bells needs to make a comeback.

If you have to go bad enough, no number of kegels will stop it.

Obviously not. If it was to keep us from seeing rape .gifs and other horrible trolls it would be one thing. However it’s been continuously used to, as you said, demote commenters. It’s ridiculous. I used to comment all the time and now I barely ever do. Constantly grey’d and I’m not even very controversial...

Say what you will about Charney but the product doesn’t need to be dragged in the process. I’d rather pay $28 for a basic tshirt and know it wasn’t made by a child or a slave in some unregulated death trap of a factory. They’re appropriately priced considering the implementation of organic cotton and that they’re made

Hey, laser pointers are nice and all, but there’s nothing like having things pointed out by an erect penis. Can’t do that, can you ladies?

I think that’s pretty true of most white people everywhere. My old danish neighbor has said the most blatant matter-of-fact racist shit I have ever heard against black people as well as Muslims. Charlotte Rampling was just reported to have spouted ye olde “maybe black people weren’t nominated because white people are

I can only assume demon bargain or evil portrait. She and Paul Rudd.

Wow. Unfuckingbelievable, except that sadly, it’s not.

I can only assume that they didn’t think she would find out. Because how would she know that she was being grossly underpaid in comparison to Duchovny unless he revealed it to her.

It is especially fucked when you compare how much work Gillian has done since X-Files ended compared to what David has done. Woman has worked her ass off and deserves to be paid accordingly, for both experience and keeping her name out in front of the public. David was in Californiacation, and that’s about it.

“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals

For the vast majority of human history, the 17 year old girls in question were treated as property being bartered with. I’d guess that nobody asked them what they thought about it so your contention as to how that practice was considered is probably based on incomplete data.

Money can't buy you class, Martha.

My skin itched when I read that Martha Stewart was lumped in with the Housewives Of Who The Fuck Cares. Martha Stewart did shit, owned shit and has created a legacy. She is the doyenne of domestic. I fucking love her.

I just think its so great that you made a mistake then acknowledged it after realizing it! I wish more people did what you’ve done here. You’re awesome!

Aside from the absurdity re: gender, it’s adorable that someone thought a recent MFA needs a full-time manager.

More like the recent MFA needs someone to help fill out welfare applications and letters to student loan companies asking for extensions.