
LOL you’re online defending old men fucking teenagers and then you get butthurt about your dyslexia?

Dov is a creeper but, mocking the price of the clothing? **This is how much clothes cost made by adult human beings paid a living wage** I’m pretty sure that’s what Jezebel says it wants so...

It’s because if you’re a white guy it has been a pretty fair meritocracy your whole life. And then they think about it and say to themselves “and *I’m* not racist or sexist” so they never give you the time to convincingly show them the truth. That it’s different for others and that they may not be racist or sexist but

yeah god bless that teenage model who doesn’t feel the need to go to the plastic surgeon’s lol

Just throw a leaf of kale into whatever you’re making and it’s HEALTHY :P

Thank you, I try :-)

You clearly aren’t a former art student because better red than dead’s comment was *exactly* what I was thinking as well. And I believe they were being a bit satirical in the second sentence.

Wow Jojo calm down, no one is ripping your Johnny Depp posters off your wall. We’re allowed to make jokes here.

Oh dear God, it’s a joke, it doesn’t need an essay.

I think it’s less the actual aging and more the lack of mental aging. He’s 52 and he just married a twenty something and is running around with safety pins in his ears. I am allowed to make fun of him.

I think the booty shaking works for awhile, that’s why those vibrating chairs are so popular. I worked in a nursery for a long time and it worked like, 80% of the time (as long as nothing was really wrong of course).

In order and let the characters build.

Right? God, I could totally use a hug from Ina right now... and then some roasted chicken and a brownie...

Yes, I have lived here my whole life and never gone to Runyon, I have no desire to feel the need to be pretty while hiking, or working out in general, ever.

Of course you’re right. However, that’s just a step down from abstinence only on the unrealistic ladder...

I think his only jab at Ina is an implication that her husband is gay. I love Bourdain and hope he never stops mocking the horror that is Guy Fieri but the Ina joke bugged me.

I’ve used it once, it was kind of last minute so I didn’t have as much choice but I liked it and plan on using it again for a wedding in a few weeks.

I fell asleep for roughly the middle... 90 minutes of this movie. I woke up around the time Madeleine and Bond were on a train so I can’t critique the plot much. However, I don’t know if it was the fault of the dialogue, the directing, or the actors not giving a shit, but the acting was AWFUL. I know I’ve seen Daniel