
I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

I resent him for getting styling tips from PUAs

and somehow steven tyler is just doing it better. i think because he already IS steven tyler.

Yeah, Brad Pitt’s his age and Rob Lowe is only a year younger and nobody makes these comments about them, because they don’t look bloated and have sallow skin.

I think i’d be happier with his aging if he cut or at least washed his hair. and stopped it with those stupid earrings. it’s like he’s aging into steven tyler.

I bought a sectional sofa with the vibrating sections. My dogs LOVE that thing. In fact, the rottie (Good Charlotte) has figured out how to turn it on herself and will lay there just lolled back, for HOURRRSSSSS.

Yeah - MD said that if this didn’t work, then maybe the wee one isn’t feeling well, or is hungry. (I’d like to add - maybe needs a fresh diaper?)

So true!

Oh I’m totally one of those mamas who trusts a doc more when they manhandle my baby. My kids’ pediatrician is this giant dude with hands the size of dinner plates and he just tosses my kiddos around all the time like it’s nothing, while smiling and making faces at them. It makes me feel like he really likes his job

Hey, I go to the store in my PJs all the time *because* I’m so exhausted from being empathetic.

It FREAKED MY BROTHER OUT though. When my nephew was born, I was handling him like I handle any baby and he was holding his breath the hold time. I was like, dude, I do this all day, every day. Cool your tits.

Extending empathy seems like it would be too much work for a society that has difficulty getting out of its pajamas to go to Walmart.

I like his little “this is a good baby” ... ::smooch:: at the end. Like kissing the top of its little head was just an involuntary reaction to seeing a baby head. This guy really likes kids!

I love how doctors manhandle babies so confidently like a sack of potatoes. I hold my niece like she is made of tissue paper, but this guy is a pro!

I couldn’t think of who it reminded me of, then it hit me: total Sharon Osboure-ish hairstyle or expression or something!

Feel the need to rant.

What are you wearing?”

Old timer here - still have the vhs tapes. Start from the beginning; it’s a slow start but two eps in and you’ll be hungry for more. Remember that it’s a product of it’s time, so some jokes will be dated. If you are not familiar with English humor some of it will seem strange, but yes, stick with it.

The fact that she gave that line of work up proves she's not a sociopath. Good for her.

Well Iggy. There is only one way out of this. You have to toss Swaggy P, adjust the accent and do a record with Toby Keith and Kid Rock at Sturgis next year in a confederate flag bikini. Pop didnt want you and hip hop lost interest. Time for to take Country by Storm.