
Ya know, since I have become my baby, gained weight, and gotten older, the catcalling HAS diminished, and yes, in a weird way, I miss being seen as attractive. HOWEVER, I think that's a sign of how much we've internalized the misogynistic message that our bodies are for display, and that our worth is primarily as a

I'm sure it is pure gossip, but damn right Goop should be calling her ex and reminding him of his parental duties. All too often one parent likes to forget they are a parent when their marriage ends and they find a new exciting relationship. If you are dating a parent and you AREN'T in second place, then I am judging

Use of the phrase "power suit" = I'm not listening to you anymore.

Who is reading this guy's posts where he thinks "Yeah, they'll probably want to hear all of this horseshit but they'll probably be pretty offended if I use bitch. I should probably just hint at it.".

That part of the video was filmed in my neighborhood (Harlem - on 125th St) and I think I might actually know that dude.

If it's the guy I think it is, in public he puts forth the persona that he's a very pious Christian and politically conscious Black nationalist - irony that (when he thinks nobody is looking) he

The TL;DR of every Drake song:

Or a man saying, "I was curious if I could care about access to contraceptives on some fundamental level, and I couldn't."

I wouldn't give a shit about money either if I already had as much of it as Chelsea Clinton does.

talking to me is not for ignorant cockbites.

It's okay, I think the type of men who have a certain level of respect for women would never do this to anyone; I really do think it is contingent on the type and level of respect these men have for women and how they really view and think of women. I know my husband has been equally dismayed by this type of stuff

Here's the thing. In my experience, I NEVER, literally NEVER see men casually greet each other on the street unless they know each other. These men are throwing out seemingly harmless greetings in hopes you will turn and want to talk. Or they may just want a smile. Sorr,y but I only smile when I feel smiley, not

It isn't about gender. It is about individual assholes. DO NOT let them tell you otherwise.

OMG that guy silently walking by her for 5 minutes. Blech! Gave me the chills.


NO. That is clearly NOT Paul Rudd.

Same phenomenon!

Isn't it a crime how they make us sneak Vodka everywhere? WHY DOES THE WORLD SHAME TRUE LOVE?

I'm pretty sure Ana is a dishrag so.......

The whole reason The Fall works is that Jamie Dornan looks like he would be sexy, but is actually very creepy and off-putting. I thought they specifically were going that direction with the film because that is also how the source material comes off if you know anything about BDSM. Maybe they went for a literal