
Lord. That's a bit cut and dry don't you think.

It's cool if you're vehemently pro- or anti-spanking/beating/whooping, but some of us (especially those who aren't parents yet) are still up in the air about it.

I know this wasn't your point, but your comment kinda reads like your dad is saying he speaks Jive and that someday you'll get the hang of it.

"Madelaine Davies raped me."

I don't know who "Madelaine Davies" is, but she sounds dangerous.

This is so beautiful. Every bit of it.


As a lady who lives alone, this is seriously my nightmare scenario. I only hope my dog helps out. You sound way more composed than I could imagine being.

Why? It fits exactly the message she is trying to get out their. Her choice. She choose to present herself this way because she doesn't feel she needs to be ashamed of her body or her sexuality. It doesn't in anyway cast blame for what occurred with the leaked photos. And if anyone has issues with the cover they have

"It's my body and it should be my choice."

Now I understand why Dennis and Sweet Dee turned out the way they did.

What kind of world do we live in when even fictional religious figures can't be trusted?

I think I actually got a tear in my eye when I saw this last night. I get really emotional over 90s-era television, you guys.

The "uproar" is that they don't say that lots of men don't like stats, just that women don't. That, my friend, is misogyny. I can name 20 guys who could care less about stats, so why not title the article, "Here's how to talk to you your non-stats loving friends about sports." See, there is non-sexualizing way of

Nah. People change. She's older, and she's slipping. There's no shame in it. I'm older too. Plus you got your internets now, and you got your Tweeter, plus Yourtube, and then's a lot to keep up with.

This is despicable, revolting, and downright deplorable.

How to Talk to Stock Photographers About Sports

The misogyny, while dumb, isn't even the worst part of these photos. The bros watching the games with baseball gloves on and shit are an affront to humanity as a whole.