
This sounds just like my dog! Except she's a German Shepherd so people are a little less understanding and I can't really blame them. I want to wear a shirt when I walk her that says "this is actually a huge improvement".

You forgot soap opera industrial magnate.

Rayford Steele and Buck Williams? The gay porn parody of this one writes itself

This picture looks like it was taken the moment everybody in it realized what movie they were in.

As the resident Paul Bunyan in many of my relationships, please don't do that. It's pretty condescending and infantilizing. I'm on to people who do it, and it makes me feel manipulated, and honestly, rather angry.

Exactly.I don't mind getting a 'Nice shirt!" or 'Cool earrings!' from anybody. But that's all! I'm not interested in anything beyond that with any total stranger on the street.

Because it basically amounts to pro-ana propaganda. She's a ridiculous attention whore and her denials are laughable. This is a woman who called her company 'skinnygirl'. Do you really think she was 'just' trying her clothes on and not making some humble brag about being able to fit into a four year old's clothes?

I am assuming it is because Bethany has a long, storied history of eating disorders and doing something like that shows that she has not gotten over them quite yet.

As a serial complimenter, leave afterwards and do not make it about their body. Also do not do not do not touch them. There's a huge difference between "that dress fits your body so well, baby" and "that dress is cute!" The leaving afterwards is a major thing. Waiting around makes it seem like you complimented them in

So brave. Skinnybrave, even.

Wait 'til they have another one. Then they'll be all "You're fine, walk it off. Where'd I put that peanut beer...?"

I want elephant parents. They get me.

It's almost like going on a reality show when you make a living through illegal activities is a really stupid idea.

I assumed in the weeds was derived from the golfing term - basically meaning you're fucked/hard to find a way out.

Of course, Tracy Morgan's injuries would be considerably less HAD HE NOT BEEN HIT BY A WALMART TRUCK.

Maybe they just can't be confined at all. Like wild stallions.

I like the way The Talk handled it...they refused to mention him by name when discussing the incident.

It's actually causing me physical pain not to point and laugh at them.

Now playing

Because this post shouldn't run without this virtuoso bit from last night's LWT:

I'm going to quit my job and just devote my life to being an Ariana Grande's Ponytail truther.