
So basically Iran is the town from Footloose?

YESSS. I was going to mention this but couldn't find the article where she says that. The layers of stupid here are truly never ending.

I was fully admiring the model's thighs. That's fantastic.

Give me a feather. I guarantee those suckers will move.

As a woman "you need some type of release," says Jones, who has a 5-year-old daughter.

They lost me at "affirmations".

Do I think this is silly? Absolutely. But ultimately, I am all for a variety of forms of exercise, so people can pick what works for them and makes them happy, all while being physically fit and healthy.

Yeah, you just summed up my childhood.

Thanks for taking one for the team!

I work with med students part time and so many, men and women, are going into obgyn. It's mind boggling.

"See anything you like"

I actually appreciate the honesty of the last guy. I mean come on. He's a strait male. Of course it gonna be like that.

"a mason jar filled with balled-up photos of other mason jars"

No one can defend the bidders though.

When my boyfriend first asked me out, he sent me a text saying his cold was finally getting better. I replied "great" and then didn't get a text back. Turns out, his next text got lost somehow. If I hadn't replied again with "so, does that mean you want to go out?", I would not have a boyfriend right now.

I might be missing something, but I'm a bit confused here. I totally get why the messages in the post are just wrong, but I don't see what was wrong about the exchange you had.

You didn't respond to an email after he thought things were going well. You told him why and he laughed it off. I'm just wondering if there

Yes, with "hair."

Is it just me, or does John Travolta increasingly resemble a 1980's cartoon villain? He's like Gargamel with hair.

The others were good?