
Have you ever noticed there are never mass protests and marches on behalf of black women brutalized by police or are killed by white people? How many people know the name of Renisha McBride or even really cared about the way she died? Whenever a black man dies at the hands of a cop or a white person, we hear his name,

This is why I think it's so intensely important to prosecute domestic violence as a crime of assault, instead of leaving it up to how the victim feels about it. Victims often become victims because they've been groomed to believe ridiculous lies — to really feel like they are to blame, or that this is how all

Yes, that was particularly hard to hear. You gave us SO MUCH, man. Why couldn't we give you something back to help you heal this pain? But that's not how it works. You can't make people struggling with those issues "happy." That's the frustrating, heartbreaking part.

Hawke hit the nail on the head when he articulated the sadness that other people couldn't make Williams happy - even though he made the people around him happy. This has been bothering me but I didn't know how to express it.

I wear a tuxedo when I fly, but only on flights after 6pm.

Walking around the night you plan to pop the question with that awkward ring box bulging out of your back pocket is a dead giveaway.


Jessica Williams!!!

What about Lana.....Lana..... LAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAA?

I also can't get over the screencap from the "You could just get fat" discussion where he says he's just trying to advocate personal responsibility.

Why is he allowed a platform?

Someone remind me again why I should ever, ever date anyone. Ever.

See, this sort of thing pisses me off, and it's so typical of the way so many men interact with women. He opens with a lewd comment, and she just tells him not to message her anymore. In his mind, she is rude, and she owes him an apology because she didn't play the game, asking him nicely to stop while simpering and

This is my new go-to insult.

Just...bro...STOP TALKING! What on earth?? You say "you can put my meat in your mouth" then say SHE'S disrespecting you?? I've never seen such desperation. If she's so hideously fat with alien eyes, why'd you swipe right in the first place? Take your 32k and buy yourself something pretty, broseph. You deserve it after

My Dad passed on early Saturday morning. He likely helped her out of the car and up to whatever gate they go through.

Farewell, and may the Schwartz be with you, Dot Matrix...

convert them or kill them

To be fair, I'd much rather live in the US's current sham democracy than in Russia's.