
If you're looking to explore a similar topic, there's a pretty difficult essay on Medium about a teenager who started having pedophilic urges when he was 16 but decided he had to do something to stop himself. Just because you're "born that way" doesn't give you carte blanche to abuse others, as the author of this

"He just thinks it's something he likes to do."

She looks really excited to ride a horse.

They just have a certain mojo about them, don't they? #teamtuxie

I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.

Cloning machine. Gotta be a cloning machine.

...Why would it have been originally ninjas? Is that sorority somehow overrun by ninjas? Is ninja infiltration somehow a threat ("oh shoot, we accidentally extended offers to these pledges, but it turns out they were UNDERCOVER NINJAS!")?

You mean there was a functioning sociopath directory that kept an efficient list of people who should be avoided at all times and facebook had it removed?! Thanks, Obama.


I can only assume that he's so below the notice of anyone worthwhile, that it went without being noticed. He looks like a two-bit, D-list actor who makes a living doing an Andrew Dice-Clay impersonation.

This is why I lock my elephant in the other room when I want a nap.

Now we need some random guy to smuggle it in his testicles so I can make a coke-a-nuts joke.

The sheriff was seen the following week with new spinning rims in his car and sporting a Mr. T starter kit.


Well, they were so eager to post her interrogation tape, and shame her publicly because we are all in a Hawthorne novel, that they probably didn't even watch what they were posting. I hope she gets it all! Ridiculous, this could have ramifications for the rest of her life.

Anonymous needs to police themselves. Dox an innocent person? The rest dox you and release your information. If they had repercussions, even from within, maybe they'd be more careful.

Why does everyone think dogs are just eating shit all willy-nilly? I have owned 5 dogs and fostered 4 more, and only one of those has gone through a poop eating stage, when she was put on a serious diet because her former owners let her get super fat. I mean, dogs are totally gross, but eating poop wouldn't be my

The Manic Dixie Tear Cup!!!

I would lounge all over that. In a caftan. With some wine! AND BLACKJACK! AND HOOKERS!