
No thanks. I don't want to live with anyone now. I doubt I'll want to dip my toes in the roommate waters when I'm 70 either. FOREVER ALONE.

"I hope that many of us would recognize our own agency and stop holding down our experiences similar to this in fear that we'll be labeled weak."

The thing about "old women" is that you will be one. It's a fate avoidable only through death. And all the shitty stuff you've said or will say about middle-aged women will then be applicable to you—especially to you because you will have spent your youth convincing yourself that middle aged is "old." It will be a

He looks so sad.

I bet he needs a hug.

From a running lawn mower.

"True, wolf sanctuaries are in dire(wolf) need of funding."


While it's true some men call themselves feminists or allies and then act like anything but (hello Hugo Schwyzer!) but I don't see any reason to think these guys were anything but sincere. In fact, one of them said that after learning about feminism he now speaks up when he sees something sexist. Male privilege

you mean teaching men about feminism and issues that face women makes them more sensitive to those issues?? wow! so if we taught them not to rape, they might not? mind = blown!

I agree but I can also see why others may not like the phrase. So I'm going to see if I can convince some of your naysayers into a more positive way of thinking about it :)

All this. But I also see "we're/they're pregnant" as stating that the man is equally responsible for the pregnancy. It wasn't that long ago that (and for some still is) that people saw not getting pregnant, being pregnant, and raising children as solely a woman's job. Language changes like this, although small, help

I knew he was bad but this has me floored. You think this is a lark? They never caught the four men who raped me. But I had sooooo much fun pointing fingers. Right.

In fact I was terrified of looking at line-ups since I was roofied and I had few clear memories. I was so scared of pointing out the wrong brothers to a

Pretty much. Something like "Cersei was grateful that Tiffany and Aiden Johnson were there to give her food. She had traveled for so long and was so hungry."

Make sure you drink it right away. Vodka goes bad once you open it. : P

Not all lentils!

Guys. For $2 I will kill you off on my Tumblr devoted to Jezebel commenter fanfic. Be the first one to die in the next edition of my hit series "Lesbian Shitasses 3: Problematic Lentils and Diva Cups."

I think the survey would make more sense divided into single people and people in relationships, or people who don't have sex frequently and people who do. I'm in a relationship, so I get what I need from him. But when I'm single, things are different. I imagine it's that way for a lot of people.

Yeah, I can't remember what season it was, but I think at some point Tim Gunn tells one of the contestants how disappointed he is and that they missed a great opportunity to make a woman feel really good about herself. Love Tim Gunn!

There is nothing subtle about that dress, therefore there is nothing subtle about the reaction to the dress.

I never would have noticed he was staring at her ass if it hadn't been pointed out - I was too busy looking at her ass to even notice there was a dude in the photo.

We're pretty much all just looking at her ass too, honestly.