
Once, the KKK stopped the Church for protesting a soldier's funeral, because we live in a weird fucking country.

"Good on 2 Million Bikers for meeting bare minimum standards of human decency, I guess."

Every episode featured me yelling at the screen "THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!"

I think the evidence weighs more heavily to here being pretty much just Greek, but to be fair, this bust would have been garishly painted with who knows what shade of skin

I wrote this down thread but I'll post this again: we honestly don't know what Cleopatra's ethnic background was, but much evidence has shown that she wasn't a "conventional" beauty. Stacey Schiff compared her with Bette Midler - not a great beauty but charming and sexy.

This isn't a vote for Jolie's Cleopatra, but Cleo and everyone in her family were the products of fairly rigorous inter-breeding within one family, the Ptolemys (new reality show idea??) who were Greek. The original Ptolemy was one of Alexander the Great's generals who, after Al died, divvied up his empire. Ptolemy

I'll bet that there are more guys that are attracted to you than you give credit for. Even when I was dating I'd see 100 girls a week I was attracted to but had no reason to talk to them and never approached for fear of looking like some creeper.

"feeling like no one attracted to you and people think you're a creep sucks."

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

Lol ♪ that's so Gwyneth ♫

No Gwynnie! You don't compare your experience of reading reading negative comments about yourself online (which you say they wrote because they are jealous of you) to a soldier having gone through a war. Just, ugh. Have you learned nothing about what not not say?

She manages to look gorgeous even when legitimately distressed. I hate her for that. I love her for that.

As a 27 year old hetero man, if Paul Rudd looked at me like that I'd probably blush giggle like a school girl.

She didn't want to be relegated to mindless and unsubstantial roles in blockbusters, is what I got from the original quote. Acting in the occasional fun action film isn't the same thing as selling out and not getting to do any legitimate, meaty work. If Hollywood had rejected her and not let her really act, of course

That was remarkably shitty of that reporter, not least because the point of Emily Blunt's quote was not the Tom Cruise of it all, but rather the preposterously one dimensional parts available to women in many gigantic movies.

Aww Kim & Kanye are cute idgaf. It's funny, people keep talking about it being Kim's big day but a part of me feels like this was really Kanye's dream come true. I'm kind of elated for him. He married the girl of his dreams in a beautiful ceremony. Kind of beautiful to imagine how blissed out he must have been.

I do not admire Kim's gown. Nobody with that much bosoms should wear a jewel neck anything. It cuts her off like a crew-neck T. Ick.

You know, I'd never give a shit again about people endlessly talking and posting about their diets if they would just do one thing. For fucks sake, please stop saying "yummy". Do you want to instagram a pic of your dinner of a blurp of runny peanut butter on three shriveled goji berries? Go ahead, knock yourself out.

I fully support your conclusion.