
This is some Don Drapper level passive-aggressive hostility. Next thing you know they'll be sleeping on polyester sheets and bathing with Ivory bar soap.

Oh my God, "Abraham Zapruder of celebrity children!" AMAZING!

"The kids were absolutely ravenous," remarked an onlooker. "At one point they cut the throat of a raccoon and feasted on the blood while cooing "'sweet nectar.'" Another witness noted that blood-soaked copies of acclaimed hit Country Strong were found scattered around the restaurant.

Something old, something new...oozing mucous, puddles of goo...

Women love a hero. And Charlie is the Day Man, fighter of the Night Man. Ergo, women love Charlie.

I've always had a weakness for men who specialize in bird law.

Charlie Day: traditionally handsome, musical, funny, publicly proud of his S.O., and off-beat in a safe way. Not shocking.

Charlie Kelly: traditionally handsome, devoted in a manner that leads us to believe he would be loyal if "fixed," just broken enough to warrant Female White Knight syndrome for a lady with daddy

Ooooh! I wanna play!

I'm sure Buffalo Bill's mom would be happy to hear he's finally settling down with a woman who will chipperly enjoy her time in the abandoned well.

Thanks Erin. I was blowing off meditating for reading this article, but I still got a healthy dose of mindfulness. I'm going to stop struggling in this 300 sandwich world and live the middle path of zen where each sandwich is an act of meaning in itself, not a sandwich intended for a reward. All we have is the now

I think it would be too good to let go of stoneheart, with how people were affected by the red wedding it would be a rally for them. Until some evil shit starts to happen though.

I think we could all use a hedgehog in an egg cup.

I... I don't understand this reaction. It's perfectly understandable that someone would want to say "I wasn't actually trying to portray a stereotype because I was ignorant of that stereotype." It makes total sense that someone would want to indicate "No, I am not intentionally making a joke of how these people have

*snort* he will henceforth and forever be Hot Pocket. On the reals though, it's nice to see someone in Westeros who seems to be living their dream, even if that dream is being a tavern's baker. I bet he'll invent some awesome dessert that is a cross between a doughnut and a pie that birds fly out of and then they'll

Some people just don't know how to cook it, that's all. Macklemore, however, seems to reject all marinades.

Oberyn is one of the best characters on the show. This last episode is like a special episode in which everyone got drunk and felt like telling people their life story.

I've been waiting all season for Oberyn to inquire about a six-fingered man.

I know it's not in the books, but I half expect to hear "Hello, my name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister, prepare to die."

"Is he just manipulating her, trying to force a confrontation with Lysa? Or is Sansa really his end goal?"