
Yeah gotta agree here. that isnt a prank, that is just creepy as fuck. The lengths some of these paparazzi go to, to get a picture is often way too far, but this is just messed up.

I can already hear the response to that, "but people know who Zoe is! No one would come otherwise!"

I was glad to see Josie Grossie, but y'all missed this one:

Disagree! I am NOT a trained ballet dancer, and even to my totally amateur eye, this model doesn't have the skills, strength, or grace of any professional dancer I've ever seen (hell, she would get kicked of SYTYCD in Round 2). Were I actually trained in the discipline, I would also be insulted.

I'm not a ballet dancer either (I practice ballroom) but I've seen ballet dancers enough around the studio to know when someone's a dancer and when they're just a model doing ballet-ish things with their arms. It seems like the company is saying that it doesn't matter if you know what you're doing or talking about as

Did Jezebel just recommend a Woody Allen film to me? And one based on a book by James Franco?

This reads like dystopian performance art.

You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.

Pepper?! You had the chance for calling your cat Two-face, or the Phantom (of the Opera) and you went with Pepper?!

But seriously, sorry for the loss of your cat

A number of years ago, a black cat decided to live with me/I stole a cat from my old neighbor. The cat was missing a couple of teeth and had to have more pulled because his previous owner did not take care of him. In the three years that I owned him, he bit every guy that I dated. He never bit me, my family,

OMG if they had put people on tv when I was a kid for having a cat + being asleep, I'd have a media empire like Oprah's! I always had a cat and was mostly sleeping! Srsly totes adorbs.

I agree with you but the opportunity to brag about my cat might be the one exception.

In a way, aren't we all sleepy kitties?

Why is he being so mean to that kitty?

"If you sleep too much you won't be able to sleep tonight."

I don't think I'll try that out, because I usually pick up quite well whether people's laughter is real, just like I am sure people will pick up something not right with me when I stop to listen to their breathing every time they laugh. "There's something creepy about Rick, but I can't put my finger on it" is not the

My drunken one night stands are routinely more physically attractive and much less pleasant to be around the next morning than men I date or hook up with when sober. Whatever my beer goggles are set to detect, it's sure as hell not inner beauty.

But girls NEVER get beer goggles......

I disagree pretty strongly here. Rape is a seriously underreported and underprosecuted crime, but if we take restroom scribblings as criminal evidence, it would be incredibly, incredibly easy for someone to abuse the system or implicate innocent people out of a desire for revenge.

Poor Kelly. Always getting overshadowed by Beyonce, even at her own wedding.