
Yay! Other relevant tip, since I see people complaining about it being hard and breaking them out- I don’t know if it’s from oils or water but after using it a few times it gets crusty hard bits. Just scrape them off! It should always be soft and powdery when you use it, I have sensitive skin and haven’t had any

Yay! Other relevant tip, since I see people complaining about it being hard and breaking them out- I don’t know if

Sorry, Alzheimers. Or are you disputing that too? I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to something as unimportant as my deodorant choice.

Sorry, Alzheimers. Or are you disputing that too? I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to something as

I get her “using it in foldy areas” point, cause it’s powdery, but oh lord what a term...

I get her “using it in foldy areas” point, cause it’s powdery, but oh lord what a term...

It gets hard from your skin’s oils I guess? I scrape the hardness off every now and then so it’s powdery again. No idea about the extra sweat!

It gets hard from your skin’s oils I guess? I scrape the hardness off every now and then so it’s powdery again. No

I have sensitive skin and I haven’t had a breakout. I did notice that I need to scrape the top of the bar occasionally because it gets hardened after using and then would scrape my pits which didn’t feel good. But, other than that I’ve loved it.

I have sensitive skin and I haven’t had a breakout. I did notice that I need to scrape the top of the bar

Aaah bummer, you must be sensitive to one of the essential oils :-/

Aaah bummer, you must be sensitive to one of the essential oils :-/

Yeah I’m gonna have to be a rich apologist and agree with this. If I’m a multi millionaire I’m not going to faux register for a bunch of crap just to satisfy non-invitees who may “stumble” upon my registry. I’m sure everyone invited can afford something on there.

I say a white sangria with SoCo and peaches. Or frozen peaches blended with SoCo topped with champagne for a fucked up bellini.

Aaah, that made me have feelings <3

Oh. You’re one of those people.

I think the whole point here is that it wasn’t going to just be a ticket it was going to be a life ruining conviction.

I think the point is that people like putting shit on their heads, that’s why we’ve done it for most of history. So, just start making more and various head things for us to wear. Then everyone doesn’t have to wear the same thing and have blog posts written examining it.

I agree with the Team Tattoo artist people but at the same time, this guy should’ve just stopped at “I don’t do first time neck tattoos.” No reason to bring up the word tacky. That was tacky.

I don’t know, I say female all the time and I’m... female.

Hypocritical? It’s because 15yr old girls are raped every day and plenty of viewers watched that scene and got off on it. No one is burning people at the stake anymore. Why don’t you not worry so much about rape victim’s reactions to seeing rapes depicted for no reason. Clearly it’s not your problem.

Thank you. This is the exact argument I keep trying to make to people.

The difference in reactions isn’t because people actually think rape is “worse” than flaying it’s because rape *actually happens* to a lot of people. I don’t understand why that is so hard to understand. No one is in danger of starting to think flaying people alive or burning them at the stake is totally normal and

The reason people tend to get more upset about rape than other atrocities is that rape happens every day. At least 25% of the female viewing audience has experienced rape. If you can find one single person who has PTSD from deciding to burn their child at the stake to appease the Lord of Light let me know.

Weird. Everyone I know plans something for their birthday. Like dinner out, or whatever. It doesn’t seem childish to me unless there are Power Ranger plates.