
As others have said I wanted to like it more than I actually did but I think it might pick up steam as it goes on. Also, I think I just might not be the prime demographic.

OR if agents just don’t negotiate as hard for their female clients.

Oh man you’re kidding me, makes it even more awful.

It’s fine if you don’t want to do it to some rando but if you’re with a guy you KNOW respects your dignity don’t let these hypocritical dumbasses stop you from any fun time experimentations. Dignity and fun sex... they do not go together.

While I don’t have a problem with the kids going to the sex shop I do agree this was a breach of trust. Their kids were taken off campus without them being told if nothing else. I’m not sure I would trust this lady’s good judgment.

“The consequences of getting messed up...”

Yeah that was pretty much my mom’s reaction to my emotions. And then she would yell at me for being “secretive”.

Sorry that sentence is kind of confusing. I meant *I* was going to say what you said in a bitchier way.

Yep, what would be perfect and very Stannis-like would be for him to be allowed to sell out his father and Stannis rewarding him with what he asked for... and then punishing him for the betrayal.

lol I love the hound too but I accept I have bad boy syndrome and he’s far from the best person in Westeros.

Bronn? I don’t know, he fights dirty and Brienne is honorable to a fault...

Broken? I didn’t think he was considered broken in the books. I thought (assuming truth of gravedigger theory) that he had a “come to Jesus” moment.

Yeah Ramsey isn’t supposed to be some great fighter right? Competent but terrifying mostly because he’s a lying, sadistic, manipulative fuck.

Oh that wasn’t where my mind went at all. I saw her sending off the kids and thought “so I wonder who’s dying mom or kiddies?” It seemed super obvious and un-GoT like to me :-/

Thank you that was stupid as fuck. Wights are wights first off, the kids aren’t all going to congregate together like they’re playing soccer when they aren’t eating people. And secondly, her falling apart at the sight of them was, as you said, out of character and dumb.

God you say that like it’s a good thing! ;-)

What really? I think Blackwater was a million times more interesting. There were actual stakes going on in that episode. The only thing of actual concern in this battle was “will Jon be killed” and that’s not gonna happen.

Well, her confidence is slightly different. Bitch made dragons and can’t be burned.

Yeah I expected something worse. To be honest it seemed a bit silly to me though that they apparently can’t swim. Why, cause the water’s cold?

Yes. She’s not that bad, we have to remember she’s a... what 15yr old? At this point. And she at least had the wisdom to know she needed to stay in Mereen and learn how to actually rule before she runs off to conquer Westeros. With good advisors she could really become a good Queen.