
I think she’s supposed to have reasons compelling her that we don’t completely understand. Prophecy related stuff.

Well a pronoun has to be used. No one argues that God is *actually* male. The argument is basically (if you really pick it apart and distill it) that men are better than women so using a feminine pronoun is tantamount to insult plus nonsense about tradition. Plus some people go on about differentiating from goddess

Why would believing it literally means God is a he? The bible specifically says God is neither male nor female.

Thank you for saying exactly what I was going to but in a way bitchier and less constructive way.

If he’s just laying out facts I can’t get mad at him. But I have a hard time believing this. MOST of the singer/songwriters and country music I listen to are women. Not because of some purposeful feminist reason but just because, like Martina McBride said, I like hearing lyrics from someone who I can relate with.

Sounds like a nice brother to me. Maybe he’d heard his sister crying for years about wanting to get married and never thinking it was going to happen for her. Fiance says she knew they were going to get married, she wasn’t stressed about dying alone she was just feigning for the attention part of it. That being said,

I kind of agree with you but every bride I’ve ever known is a little overly emotional/tightly wound on their wedding day. And I’m not talking bridezilla status just normal women. The stress and anticipation gets to you so I can understand seeing the dress just being the weird straw that broke the camel’s back.

That’s so desperate it’s just sad. have shitty friends.

Oh see I think that’s a little nutso. Don’t mess up The Day, or rehearsal dinner etc. Don’t plan a huge event in such close proximity that you’re poaching guests or stealing thunder. Other than that, everyone is still allowed to live their damn lives.

Wait what???????????? You mean she decided she needed to get married because she was pregnant or she stole her sister’s wedding for an elaborate baby shower? I’m so confused and this is all bullshit either way.

All in all, the entire wedding cost $750, and $500 of that was liquor.

I know! At first I was like “haha, right? Writing is the worst!” but then she kept going on and on and on...

Mostly agree but as a writer stuff like this is more grating. Maybe that is a little ‘hatery’ but imagine it in other artistic genres. What is a bunch of celebrity randoms all starting having ghost-musicians help them make one-off semi-shitty albums that flood the whole market and take up everyone’s time/money. Or

I agree that she was clearly grasping desperately for material. I like her enough that I still mostly enjoyed it but it would’ve been so much better if she’d waited till she was 65 and had enough legitimate material!

I agree. I found her bizarre level of confidence inspiring but other than that I didn’t really get anything useful and didn’t find the story compelling at all. Maybe her sense of humor is just not my favorite. I really enjoyed Tina Fey’s and to a lesser extent Amy Poehler’s.

Well according to their homeschooling material, boys shouldn’t have to change baby diapers as it could present a “temptation” so I’m guessing the level of SICK is a ten and the quantity of SICK is more than I want to think about.

That’s hilarious, I’ve been dating a guy who freely admits that he’s a narcissist. I’ve been leaning towards breaking it off because I don’t think I enjoy his personality but I’ve had this hunch that the sex would be amazing... And I’ve noticed the confidence thing too. I feel bad for them, but yeeessss small dicked

Seriously, your trust in people wasn’t broken before? A shitty neighbor is really getting you down? How long have you lived in this world?

Did nobody read this?

Did nobody read this?