
Exactly what I just posted on facebook. IMAGINE what a different tune everyone would be singing if he’d molested his little brothers instead of sisters.

Yep, and it can take awhile to even realize you’re fucked up from it. I remember thinking for years that the molestation that happened to me as a child hadn’t fazed me at all. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I started making the connection to certain issues I had and what had happened to me. But these

Oh they already have.

Right? They probably got undressed and everything before they went to bed. For shame.

At this point it’s probably a vicious circle where you are looking at the TSA thinking “oh fuck you’re going to stop me aren’t you?” and they look into your eyes and see the “oh fuckness” and then it’s “sir can you step over here please?”

Can we please be informed of what movie this is so we can boycott it? Also, anything else this fuckwad of a producer does with himself.

Yeah that’s kind of how I feel. Oh tell me more about how cool you are not caring about being invisible as you walk home to your husband. Sigh...

I’m in practically the same exact place! Almost 34 and spent almost all of my twenties invisible due to fat. Now I feel like I just have a few years of lesser hotness left to find someone and it makes me feel so god damn bitter sometimes. Also, clothes... I never got to wear the cute crazy clothes I wanted when I was

Also, I think this is less about the internet and more how people’s brains have always worked.

Good, that solidifies my irritation at his stupid Chef movie. Yeah, that schlub is married to Sofia Vergera and Scarlett Johansson wants his body. Right, totally, and they only exist as characters to remind him about how awesome he is. Plus “I got an amazing idea a FOOD TRUCK” It all read as so old fashioned to me I

I think it’s good to raise awareness. Often qualified women are looked over and women in general still tend not to put themselves forward as much as men do. It’s possible because of stuff like this some of the good guys who are being sexist out of omission will think, “oh look at that, I’m having one of those all male

I think it’s mostly to compliment but being told you look young might also psychologically prime them to “feel” more young, and therefore more scared, vulnerable, and “okay, just tell me what to do”.

I’d have to know his tone of voice to know if the first one was douchy or just reg tech guy confused about what to do with those things called women. Though considering the number of children he has you’d think he’d know these things.

My only problem is he seems to have absolutely zero sense of humor. I saw him on the Daily Show and he seemed like maybe he wasn’t even sure what a joke was. Maybe he didn’t understand what the Daily Show was? In any case it made my crush go bye-bye.

I saw her at the opry and she was so sweet it made my teeth hurt. Luckily the Alabama Shakes were there to be awesome and get the taste out of our mouths.

Same but I guess the tone of this article just seemed less like a critique of a bad episode to me and more like Madeleine is just kind of ‘over’ the show completely.

Love you and your Cersei sauce Madeleine but... can we have someone review Game of Thrones that actually *likes* Game of Thrones? Your reviews make me sad.

I agree to a point. I think they did a good job of giving her incentive to betray him. I feel like I’d be pretty pissed if the guy who promised undying devotion to me suddenly married a 14 yr old girl, told me I wasn’t fit to have his children, called me a whore, and sent me away. I feel like people glossed over that

I’m so glad! Yeah that sounds like a good one because if you start feeling a little awkward or nervous you can just focus on your dog, and everyone loves to talk about their dogs :-)

The only way I’ve made friends as an adult (other than meeting a friend through another friend) is the whole “join something!” However, for the super awkward you MUST do something that involves FORCED socializing/participation. I could’ve gone to a thousand lectures or drawing classes or whatever and sat in the back