
You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Yeah, well that's not what Moonvest over at CBS told me.

Hosted by Michael Vick.

"Cooper: Dreams of catching a ball at Wrigley Field"

Inspector Clouseau: The Vichy Years

Jar Jar isn't a puppet with Antonin Scalia's hand up its ass, unlike Clarence Thomas.

They're too busy reading listicals on Buzzfeed.

I expected a Carrie Fisher quote, so well played @milkproofrobot:disqus

No, I think I’ve done my damage.

That wasn't a character.

"Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?"

"put her in a hoodie or Hillary Clinton suit"

Alan Alda rarely does his own repair work these days.

I would have thought they would cast Foxx as Blinkin after seeing him in Ray.

Ordinarily I'd make a snarky remark about how terrible Fox is, but just having a sane schedule for airing new episodes automatically makes Fox better than Disney.

[Looks at writing credits for Movie 43] This story checks out.

Erotic Tales by Jimmy Shive-Overly @SisterMaryFrancis:disqus , age 12

He's somehow both a bumbling, incompetent egghead who delegates everything his administration does to a bunch of unelected czars, and a frighteningly charismatic charlatan coming to personally take your guns away.

That's two more writers than any of Millar's comic books have ever had.

Comrades! Throw off the chains of human oppression! The bourgeois human is a virus on the hard drive of the working robot!