
A uvula? So Dikachu's actually a girl?

They messed up on the hair. It looks more natural than Trump's ever has.

Don't start un-Beliebing
Never don't not lose that non-copyright infringing feeling

"I also said that I have no opinion on your pubic hair, or that I was going help Edgar with his resume. It doesn't mean that it's true."

"Who doesn't speak Spanish?"

15 minutes until I was downvoted? You've grown slow since I was last here, @avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus

Dick Cheney's too likeable.

Your mother was loving mine last night, Trebek @cappadocius:disqus!

"Glover will play the Afro-Latino Spider-Man who goes stag to the big dance along with Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, who you just know hasn’t worked up the nerve to ask anyone yet."

[Beyonce's Black Panther Army takes @avclub-3b82b1d883a5bf2defbc7567e9815d96:disqus to FEMA reeducation camp]

Woman Tries to Regain Edginess of Her Youth, and Also Somehow Become British.

"It's always Clancy Brown weekend here at the AV Club."

I'm still not entirely convinced that Billy Corgan isn't actually an elaborate performance art piece by James Carville.

Drake? You mean that kid who had a boner on Degrassi?

Hank's enthusiasm for everything about his life is only surpassed in this episode by Brock's excitement over Red Death using live rounds.

Most true-to-the-character joke in the episode:

Colonel Gentleman is right about many things:

"It's like a looking into a mirror."

The entire chapter of people dying just like that in The Stand was the best part of the uncut edition of the book.

At least Billy had the right idea: "Replace the grenadine with rum…and the tomato with more rum."