I can't wait to see all those shots of Jennifer Jason Leigh's feet in 70 mm.
I can't wait to see all those shots of Jennifer Jason Leigh's feet in 70 mm.
I'm willing to bet that there's an almost one to one correlation between articles with the 'Shameless shilling' tag and the 'Sex Pistols' tag.
"I can't believe they killed J.T.!"
"The show will take up the afterschool-special mantle, tackling such hard-hitting topics as substance abuse, violence, and Canadian social mores."
William Faulkner could write an explosion scene that would really make you think.
You can't fool me, Barsanti, those Transformers movies have never had writers.
Xbox One's parent is Microsoft, so taking advantage of American consumers is in their blood.
"They don't even have an abusive customer service department. I don't think Xbox One understands how this industry works." - Comcast
[Chases @TheMagicRat:disqus off the stage with a fire extinguisher]
"So, this guy walks up to me, he looks me right in the eye, he gives me one of these: 'Uh.. uh.. you got any gum?'."
Two of these guests just keep getting better with age, and the other one's Bob Dylan.
Hey, they're out there fighting Foo everyday, they deserve to have some fun every now and then.
These pun threads are just a highway to the DANGER ZONE!
Mr. @charlessage:disqus , what did you mean when you wrote "Bad clown making like super American car racers, I would make them sweat, War War?"
"No word yet on whether Root’s character will be a chill dad-bro that teaches the boys a little something about partying back in the day, or a buzzkill dad who will stop at nothing to harsh their vibes."
They got tired of waiting for Obama's death squads and took matters into their own hands, like every real American should.
Like the American public still cares about a murder in Baltimore. They've already moved on to blaming black folks for getting themselves killed by the police there.
Making up shit for a "documentary"? This sounds like a job for convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza!
Sticks Nix Mart Shart